I got a call about a flying squirrel caught in a house.
He was a juvenile, seemingly healthy, parasite free. He was missing part of his tail, but it wasn't a fresh injury.
Squirrel was reported as being slow moving,(strange for a flyer), but the woman,whose house is infested, said they usually are. He was in a metal strainer all day before I picked him up. There were no signs of urination or deification.
Brought him home and left him in the carrier with warm bedding and fresh water, for about an hour.
He was lethargic, did not drink.
Upon exam he was cool and severely dehydrated.
Slowly warmed him and tried giving LR with a syringe. He would not drink. Gave a 1 cc subcutaneous injection of
Of warm LR.
No response.
I could not get his body temperature up and he began seizing within the hour.
He died half an hour later.

He urinated when I tried feeding him a syringe of fluid and there was small amount of feces,(normal looking), near his anus.
What did I do wrong? I've successfully raised neonates who were severely dehydrated upon arrival. This squirrel was seemingly healthy. I did not expect this.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.