I looked out this morning and saw a red tailed hawk sitting on the railing of the bottom deck (where the release cage is and where I feed the releases). I opened the upstairs window and he looked at me but didn't move so I got shoes on to go out and shoo him off. I don't want this to be a regular pit stop for him.

When I got to the hall window and looked out he was still there and one of my spring releases was SITTING NEXT TO HIM eating something. Like two old friends catching up. Squirrel relaxed, hawk surveying the yard.

I threw the window open and barked, "Hey!" and the hawk flew away and the Main St. Foursome release just looked at me, unperplexed.

When I got outside two hawks were flying away overhead.

Maybe hawk was full and just enjoying the scenery next to his future next meal? Geez!