HI I have not been here in a long time, but wanted to ask what you thought of my Nugget and see if you could help...
He has been a very healthy, active, fresh little boy who loves to play and go out on his leash, hide his nuts, run around, etc. Suddenly he does not want to come out of his bed, only when I make him, to eat a little and go back, his tail is drooping slightly, today he was licking and chattering, discomfort, back injury?? seizure?? does not want to play or do anything but stay in his bed, I think he is in some pain, or has some seizure activity, he had some brain damage as a baby but has been FINE all of his life except for some balance and sight issues.
I don't know, just need help figuring it out so i can help him. I started him on hemp oil yesterday.
thank you, Carrie