My cat recently brought up a baby squirrel, just needed some help and tips

I immediately brought the little boy (he's male ^^) inside and heated some water bottles and covered them with a fleece blanket to warm him up as he was very cold. After he was warmed up a bit, I checked him over for any cuts or wounds. Thankfully, there were none!
He was dehydrated, so I used a rehydration solution after stimulating him to go to the potty. The baby boy thankfully peed and pooped!
(1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 tablespoons sugar
2 cups warm water)

When we first found him (yesterday evening) his eyes were closed. I started off with just the fluids, as I read that feeding a dehydrated baby could cause alooot of problems. He did very well, so we slowly integrated some formula to him. (He ate around 3 1/2 ccs. used a 3 cc syringe) We woke up every 3 hours to feed him that night and made sure he did his potty business (he was very good about this!)

Today though; he's just refused to poop!
The little bugger eats fine but we haven't been able to get him to poop at all, which is very worrying.
He's not cold nor dehydrated, so we aren't sure what the problem could be. His eyes opened this morning (both of them) and he does move around alot. Every so often he wakes up and explores around his little nest. He's a very lively bean <3
I'm just worried that he won't poop, anything I could do?
*It's now 1:33 pm, still no poop*