Hello I'm fairly new to rehabbing and releasing squirrels as in this is my first time. Been rehabbing a brother and sister for last cpl months and have had them outside ready for release. This weekend I figured was gonna be the weekend to try l, go figure they didn't seem to wanna stray far so over night they stayed in their cage and tried again today. Anyway after several hrs of being out the sister ran off up the one pine tree and had been laying on the same branch for the last 4hrs and I'm worried she's stuck and scared to come down and being as high as she is I'm worried she'll either fall asleep and fall down or she's exposed and easy pray. Her brother came back and has been in his nest box. I tried coaxing her down with rodent block and nuts but no good on that idea. Anyone have any suggestions? Will she be alright on her own with no nest made? I left their cage open in case she comes back but I'm worried about doing that because he's in there and worry about prey getting in there. I'm worried for them. Thanks in advance.