Recently my NR foxer female Maeve has begun turning her nose up to any leafy greens I offer. She used to eat her leafy greens after leaving them in her room for only an hour or two. She enjoys cauliflower and carrots, picks at broccoli, and will only eat leafy greens after they've shriveled up and dried out. How can I encourage her to eat her leafy greens with as much gusto as she used too?
Her current feeding schedule consists of:
7:00 AM - 1 HHB
12:00 PM - 1 HHB + Fresh veggies (Usually leafy greens)
3:00 PM - More fresh veggies (Cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, ect.) + Nuts & fruit treats
9:00 PM - Esbliac + heavy whipping cream (she has a hard time keeping her weight up, due to her condition and pickiness with food).