Hi, not quite sure how this works but at this point I'm getting no HELPFUL answers anywhere else. I have been taking care of a 8-9 week old sweet angel for 4 days now. I'm absolutely in love and the squirrel is super attached to me. I want to keep her but I KNOW its not the right thing to do. I live in Baltimore, Maryland and no one can point me in any type of right direction. I'm in an area with very little greenery and many many cars, touchy children, cats, dogs and other dangers to squirrels. So I do not want to just let her go. I know what will happen if I call the city looking for help. She is doing great so I know she can be released I'm just afraid if I hold on to her too long we will both get even more attached to each other than we already are. I never expected to fall in love with a squirrel but, I did hard. She will only let me handle her and if I leave her along for too long she starts making weird noises, and I'm so worried that even if I find the perfect place for her to go, that she will only want me. The thought of her thinking I gave up on her or abandoned her breaks my heart. But I KNOW what I have to do just NO IDEA how to do it. So ANY advice will help.Name:  FB_IMG_1492206752672.jpg
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