Hi my name is Ami. I saved a 1 week old baby squirrel who is now about 6 weeks after massive Wind Storms knocked down a tree on to our roof. The rehabber in my area was unable to take Girl Squirrel due to assisting with a move for her son. As a result, I have been moving right along with no problems as I tend to research at nausea, and have thankfully found wonderful resources to assist.

However I have ran into a problem which I will post in the appropriate forum, about successful methods of reintroduction. Unfortunately, an irritating person has told my daughter that because Girl Squirrel is being raised as a single and having human contact, her life expectancy is 1 year. I live in a people populated neighborhood with mild traffic, and domestic and wildlife of deer, rabbits, birds, possums, skunks and squirrels.

My goal was and has been to release girl squirrel, and have even been building a modular add on house to go outside for Girl Squirrel

I do need assistance with posting to the correct boards, as I can not seem to locate the posting function.

Nice to meet you,