Hi there! I am hoping to help rescue a squirrel baby in need (even as small as nursing, I nursed for many years, I am used to nighttime feedings ) of a FOREVER home. I have studied so many things about raising and keeping squirrels, I know there are challenges but I am fully ready. My goal is to get my Wildlife Rehabilitation License here in Florida as I just have such a huge heart for animals, wildlife especially. I am starting to do some studying.
I am a stay at home mom and I have four kids ages 5, 8, 10, & 11. I have homeschooled for the past three years but decided to put my children in school this year. We have only have two pets, two very spoiled bearded dragons. My husband built them a large enclosure so there is plenty of room for them to run around and have full and enriched lives. I attached pictures, just showing some examples of the care we give our dragons! I did have a sugar glider as a child, that would be the closest animal I have taken care of next to a squirrel, although they are still very different. I am in South Florida and I am praying someone finds this post and has a little squirrel life they need help saving!