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Thread: Southern Ontario Help. A home needed to over winter 2 boy eastern greys

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  1. #1
    kymmi4 Guest

    Exclamation Southern Ontario Help. A home needed to over winter 2 boy eastern greys

    Hello. I have had the pleasure of taking care of these two boys since late summer. They were very young when I found them, still not using their back legs. They were pretty tame and loving and cuddled often but since moving to their big enclosure do not like to be picked up but still enjoy being pet. Sadly, there have been some problems popping up that make me feel this isn't the best place for them. First, I don't have a ton of experience, I have over-wintered once, a single red squirrel but I feel like these two boys need a bigger space, since they have started pacing. Unfortunately , I don't have a big space for a bigger cage so that won't be an option. I can no longer add fresh sticks in the enclosure because when I do my daughters asthma acts up. They do have wooden panks to run across but no stick. I know they need to chew fresh bark. The next problem is that my toddler grand-daughter has been bitten twice, not serious but it's hard to keep her away since the squirrels are living in our living space. Next, is they have started to loose hair across their backs. There is no agitated skin or sores just hair loss. At first I thought maybe they rubbing the fur from each other because of the way they play but now. I'm wondering if it's a nutrition problem. I feed them a variety of fruits , vegetables and nuts , the same as when i had the red squirrel. I'm just thinking with everything put together, maybe I'm just not able to give them everything they need.
    Is there anyone in southern ontario that feel they could help out?

  2. Serious fuzzy thank you's to kymmi4 from:

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