hello everyone! My name is Alayne and I'm new to this site. I currently have 4 baby squirrels that are 5 weeks old that I rescued last week (when they were four weeks old). My family and I are wondering if we should keep the squirrels through the winter or are we able to release them before winter? I've looked at many sites and some say to keep them through winter and others say to release them beforehand and to just feed them throughout. Our local wildlife rehab said that we can keep and raise them (they don't have enough room but we do have their numbers), but we're just highly unsure what to do about when we should release them haha. Thank you guys for all of your help! Much appreciated.

P.S. All of them are healthy baby squirrels! I stay up most of the night to make sure they're all okay with no issues. My mom thinks I'm a nut. (no pun intended)