When Hick (Hickory Nut) first arrived from a friend who he was given too (from a lady who just didn't understand how much time caring for an infant would require) I estimated him to be about 4-5 weeks old. I have no idea where he originally came from so releasing him back there is not an option. I have rehabbed a squirrel before and had a somewhat successful release in the spring (I got her during fall months). I say somewhat successful because my heart wasn't ready. AT ALL.
Hick stays in my ferret nation two tier cage in my air condition garage. I let him out a few hours a day (with doors closed) and he plays on my gym equipment (at least someone uses it). In his cage bottom I have a pan of dirt he can hide his food stashes in, several branches for climbing. He prefers to sleep on the shelf in his round bed but I also have his nest box in there he comes and goes out of.

I live on 60 acres. the back 40 is wooded. My house is in open pasture with trees scattered around it. The tree line would be 200-400 yards from my house so the spot I would feel comfortable releasing him is in the back part of my property. I have set game cameras out to scope it out to see what other critters hang out there. I would love to have him closer to home but I've read that grey squirrels prefer to be in woods vs fox squirrels who like tree lines. We had a fox squirrel that i would see in my yard but last week he was ran over on the road in front of my house. He roamed a lot ... i would see him all along my driveway.
Heres some concerns/questions:

Is it too late to get him ready for the outdoors?
Can I use the ferret nation cage as a RC if I cut a 3-4 in hole for him to come and go out of?
Do i leave his nest box in there or put it up in a tree? when?
Theres more that has been keeping me up but at this moment I'm forgetting them.

I would love to overwinter him ( my plan all along because i wasn't sure he would have time to acclimate before cooler weather hits) but he sometimes gets aggressive when i clean his cage? I want whats best for him of course.
Any and all ideas or advice will be much appreciated!!