I am a newbie to the squirrel world and I am consuming AS MUCH INFO AS I CAN..! My little man is about 7 weeks? He has his bottom teeth, no top teeth, likes to eat pecans about once a day. Now I was thrown Into this.... So I am learning. But my question is this, is it okay that Butters sleeps with me ? He has a bag that so far, don't have funds currently for a proper cage (working on it) we use the said bag as a pap pus. He is very spoiled and goes everywhere with me so the need for a cage hasn't been that big of am issue. I was/am amazed that he took to me and my husband like he has. He acts like we've had him sense a pinkie and he's been a part of our home for only a mere week .
So back to my question. He still doesn't wander away from me and he likes to be in his pap pus and I have it safe aka not going to squish him Is it okay for him to be raised this mixed in the family or without a cage even? When he has had enough outside of cage/pouch he will scamper back to his hot pink fuzzy bag, lol. It's his happy place where he feels safe.
Any my and ALL ideas, thoughts and information wanted please.