If you don’t want to read since its so long PLEASE skip down to where you see *** and PLEASE give me tips/opinions about that, im worried!!
I just need more ideas and tips on what to feed my picky babies! They will not eat anything they cannot hold in their hand(yogurt, guac) also they wont hold cold/wet stuff. So heres a list of what ive tried and the results ive gotten.

"spring mix" salad
"hearts of romain"
"mean green" salad mix
butternut squash.-my big one loved it at first, but not a huge fan anymore. my little one has never even tasted it
sugar snap peas- they are seriously obsessed with sugar snaps, i have to keep a bag at all times.
cucumbers-hate it
carrots-HATE HATE HATE for some reason. they will just throw it off of their plate.
broccoli-dont care for it, but will eat it at times
cauliflower-theyll gobble it up sometimes and then other times wont touch the stuff.
pinnapple-the 1st time they had it they love it so much. wanted more and more. but now they wont eat it.
cantelope-same as pinnapple.
celery- wont touch it.
tomatoes-wont eat
green beans-wont eat
raspberries- liked the first time, wont eat them anymore
blueberries-they’ll eat 1 or 2 at a time, no more than that.
Banana- but the 2 times I gave them bananas they get runny poo! Is this normal ? runny poo doesn’t make me feel confident.
im sure theres more but i cant think of any right now.

i was also giving them pecans and walnuts, as many as they wanted as a snack. I found that thats a HUGE no-no. they didnt eat for THREE days because they were holding out for nuts. finally on the fourth day they ate the food that i gave them.
i couldnt believe they would starve themselves like that. I noticed their poop looked like very little poop and a lot of nuts….
so now, its only 3-4 pecan or walnut HALVES a piece after dinner or before bedtime.
Ive only been able to find pecans, almonds, walnuts and peanuts around here. They do not get peanuts at all, and haven’t had any almonds yet because someone told me they were too “fatty” is this true??
Theres a park here in town that has some acorn trees, but im really afraid to try them…. Ive read too many horror stories about acorns.

also,*****IMPORTANT ive tried water bottles,syringes i used with their formula, bowls, lids, a small upside down water container(like a dog or cat would use) but way smaller. its actually for bird seeds, but hey whatever works, right? the bigger squirrel(Rambo) will drink out of all the above. BUT my smaller squirrel(Dixon) used to drink out of the water bottle you'd put on the cage but now the only way i can get him to drink water is out of my hand. he wont drink it if its a little puddle, my hand just has to be wet and then he likes licking it off. even if theirs a tiny puddle in my hand, he somehow always gets water up his nose, and then he starts freaking out and he'll, not necessarily sneeze, more like hes blowing that water out, so then i have to hold him upside down.
has anyone else had this problem? its so bad that he cant even drink out of a pop bottle or water bottle lid, without it going up his nose. i feel so bad....

sorry for the long post, im just concerned!