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Thread: breathing and voice concerns

  1. #21
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    Default Re: breathing and voice concerns

    he’s actually not going into the enclosure much now but the plan is to get him in the trap first then we would put him in a carrier we have and then we’d immediately go to the wildlife center because they have responded that they could take him in and have a vet look at him.

  2. Serious fuzzy thank you's to scoopysnack from:

    olorin19 (02-04-2025)

  3. #22
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    Default Re: breathing and voice concerns

    Olorin19 is right on the money. Think of the most desirable food Mini has ever enjoyed. put it in there with a small bit of peanut butter (the fragrance will certainly make it to his sensitive nose) and perhaps there's no resisting that. Good luck!

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  4. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TomahawkFlyers from:

    scoopysnack (02-04-2025)

  5. #23
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    Default Re: breathing and voice concerns

    day 6, re-attempting to capture but these winds are crazy strong right now! he doesn’t seem to like being on the balcony whenever the wind picks up so i only saw him for a minute before he disappeared again. there’s a chance it wasn’t him but i’m basing it off of how he was looking in the same spots as yesterday for the bird seed we swept up, he still found some that was frozen to the ground sigh haha

    hopefully he comes back very soon and we can get him in today!

  6. Serious fuzzy thank you's to scoopysnack from:

    TubeDriver (02-06-2025)

  7. #24
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    Default Re: breathing and voice concerns

    he’s back! i can’t see any of the hiccup motions or mouth breathing and unfortunately it’s too loud outside to hear how he’s breathing but i’m wondering if it’s possible he could have recovered from whatever it was? when we catch him, if we don’t hear or see any signs of trouble, should we still bring him in?

  8. #25
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    Default Re: breathing and voice concerns

    Quote Originally Posted by scoopysnack View Post
    he’s back! i can’t see any of the hiccup motions or mouth breathing and unfortunately it’s too loud outside to hear how he’s breathing but i’m wondering if it’s possible he could have recovered from whatever it was? when we catch him, if we don’t hear or see any signs of trouble, should we still bring him in?
    While I certainly defer to the experts, if it was me I would bring him in and have him checked out.

  9. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to olorin19:

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  10. #26
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    Default Re: breathing and voice concerns

    If you are 100% sure that his symptoms are better, you could hold off the trapping for a bit. If you see a couple days of improvement then there is a decent chance he is fighting off this illness on his own. But the safest thing to do would be to capture him and observe him closely for 48 hours. It can be hard to assess progress when you see him briefly on the outside. Also, squirrels are VERY good at hiding weakness/illness/injury. He is probably worse off than he looks when he knows you are watching.

    Quote Originally Posted by scoopysnack View Post
    he’s back! i can’t see any of the hiccup motions or mouth breathing and unfortunately it’s too loud outside to hear how he’s breathing but i’m wondering if it’s possible he could have recovered from whatever it was? when we catch him, if we don’t hear or see any signs of trouble, should we still bring him in?
    See my wild squirrel adventures in the thread "Squirtle's yard!":!

    Loving dad to Sir Max, 2017-2018. There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.

    "Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of places if you look at it right."
    -Grateful Dead

  11. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TubeDriver from:

    olorin19 (02-06-2025)

  12. #27
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    Default Re: breathing and voice concerns

    been a full week today and i can’t see any of the symptoms i saw the first few days. i’m posting here first before we contact the center or share videos with them because we’d rather avoid showing just how comfortable our squirrels are with us and that we have an enclosure as well.
    we’re still trying to capture him so we can be sure but now that there’s no symptoms, we’re not too sure if it’s necessary? he was close to going into the trap today but then wouldn’t. i think we’re getting him more used to the trap though so if it is necessary to catch him, i think if we keep trying we’ll be able to.
    the other thing is that he’s coming up to us more again and behaving exactly like before, eating veggies, drinking water, having calcium or Henry’s vitamin coated nuts, and regular shelled nuts from time to time. he even chased a few others today and i didn’t see any signs of trouble with that. i didn’t catch a lot on video today and i am sure i missed some of the sounds he makes but it was a little hard to tell when the sound was him or a bird or just background noise. the parts i indicate with sound are definitely him though and then today there was no noticeable signs at all.

    depending on what you folks think, we’ll see if we need to send the video over to the wildlife center and in the mean time still try our best to capture unless there seems to be agreement that it’s not necessary to bring him in anymore.

  13. #28
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    i caught him but when transferring him to the carrier, we lost him inside the house and having trouble getting him out. he spent a lot of time running around so definitely worried about him and really not sure whether or not to still try to bring him or just let him get free outside once he gets out of the room he’s in so he can calm down again.

  14. #29
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    Default Re: breathing and voice concerns

    Quote Originally Posted by scoopysnack View Post
    i caught him but when transferring him to the carrier, we lost him inside the house and having trouble getting him out. he spent a lot of time running around so definitely worried about him and really not sure whether or not to still try to bring him or just let him get free outside once he gets out of the room he’s in so he can calm down again.
    If Mini is confined to a room, here are a few options:

    #1 - Use trap again as before then transfer to carrier
    #2 - Use carrier as the trap
    #3 - Place carrier in there with some comfy fleece (maybe from enclosure so it already smells like squirrel) then remove other sleeping options. Sooner or later, he is going to bed down for the night, after which you can shut him in the carrier

    If you get him into carrier too late in the day to go to wildlife center, then make sure that there is water and food inside the carrier for overnight. Not a bad idea to place a small dish in there with some mulch in the bottom so he has a place to pee and poop. Place this as far away from bedding as possible.

  15. Serious fuzzy thank you's to olorin19 from:

    scoopysnack (02-07-2025)

  16. #30
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    we got him out. throughout the whole time, he was using his voice well and no breathing or other sound issues so we’re just going to keep monitoring him. hopefully we didn’t ruin our relationship and we see him again 😣

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  18. #31
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    He will be more cautious for a while but he WILL forgive you. I have trapped squirrels brought them in for surgery, treated during recovery and released and they forgave me.

    He does look better, less spikey, less visible mouth breathing. I'm not sure he is out of the woods yet but I think you could make a reasonable argument to watch and wait for now. However, if he declines, I would bring him in ASAP.

    BTW, he is SUPER cute!

    Quote Originally Posted by scoopysnack View Post
    we got him out. throughout the whole time, he was using his voice well and no breathing or other sound issues so we’re just going to keep monitoring him. hopefully we didn’t ruin our relationship and we see him again 😣
    See my wild squirrel adventures in the thread "Squirtle's yard!":!

    Loving dad to Sir Max, 2017-2018. There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.

    "Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of places if you look at it right."
    -Grateful Dead

  19. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to TubeDriver:

    island rehabber (02-07-2025), olorin19 (02-07-2025), scoopysnack (02-07-2025)

  20. #32
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    Default Re: breathing and voice concerns

    thank you as always for the reassurance. i felt horrible putting him through all that sigh

    right? he is amazing and more adorable each day! i will be apologizing endlessly to him when i see him again and once i do, i’ll update right away!

  21. Serious fuzzy thank you's to scoopysnack from:

    olorin19 (02-07-2025)

  22. #33
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    Default Re: breathing and voice concerns

    The path to a squirrels heart is a nice treat! A couple days rewarded with some treats and he will be your buddy again.

    Quote Originally Posted by scoopysnack View Post
    thank you as always for the reassurance. i felt horrible putting him through all that sigh

    right? he is amazing and more adorable each day! i will be apologizing endlessly to him when i see him again and once i do, i’ll update right away!
    See my wild squirrel adventures in the thread "Squirtle's yard!":!

    Loving dad to Sir Max, 2017-2018. There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.

    "Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of places if you look at it right."
    -Grateful Dead

  23. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to TubeDriver:

    olorin19 (02-08-2025), scoopysnack (02-07-2025)

  24. #34
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    Default Re: breathing and voice concerns

    he came back! just briefly and close to sunset and he kept his distance from us but seemed normal otherwise we'll keep monitoring of course though!

  25. Serious fuzzy thank you's to scoopysnack from:

    olorin19 (02-09-2025)

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