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A couple things... aspiration is the cause of Aspiration Pneumonia (AP) but aspirating does not mean they will develop AP. The formula coming from the nose, which should be avoided, is a result of the squirrel's reflexes to prevent liquids from getting into their lungs.
Symptoms of AP include loss of appetite, lethargy and a persistent clicking when they breath. All squirrels make a clicking noise every so often, especially after eating and their mouths are moist. An AP click originates from the lungs. I have never had a squirrel with AP that has been "sneezy", FWIW. Sometimes you can here a crackling in their lungs, especially with a stethoscope. I always suggest listening to them when they are in a deep sleep for the click and cracking.
If he does have AP and require treatment the "sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim 800/160 mg tab" is an effective antibiotic. You would need to provide the weight of the squirrel to receive proper dosing instructions.