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Thread: Activation Permission - Help Needed for Release of Theodora

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Rep. of Panama
    Thanked: 11

    Default Activation Permission - Help Needed for Release of Theodora

    Hi, my name is Squirrel Nut. I became a member of TSB IN 2021 when asked for help while taking care of a male newborn variegated squirrel and latter introduction to its natural habitat in the Tropical Rainforest of the Republic of Panama, Central America. It was a success story.

    Early this year I asked for help for the second time while taking care of 2 female newborn variegated squirrels and I successfully and preparing them for their introduction to their natural habitat.

    Yesterday I posted a thread titled ‘Free Theodora’ because I need help with their introduction to their natural habitat. I released them on Saturday and I of them (Simone) fled and disappeared and the other (Theodora) doesn’t want to move from the introduction spot. I’m concerned and I want to help them survive.

    I would be very grateful If I could receive directions.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Activation Permission - Help Needed for Release of Theodora

    Can you continue to support her - leave food and water where she can find it? If the release cage is still there does she go inside? She may just need a little more time before she is ready.

    Do you have trees or places she might want to build a nest in your yard/area? Some girls like to hang close to their "home."

  3. #3
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    Rep. of Panama
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    Default Re: Activation Permission - Help Needed for Release of Theodora

    Hi Critter mom, thank you so much for your quick responding. Yes I can continue to support her and leave food and water where she can find it, and she has been drinking and eating it. The release cage is still there but she hasn’t used it or go inside; she built her own nest of leaves just 6 ft from the ground on top of massive dead tree with a cave carved in the center that is a shelter for snakes.

    Yes, I do have trees were she could build a nest closer to my house. Should I relocate her?



  4. #4
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    Default Re: Activation Permission - Help Needed for Release of Theodora

    I wouldn't - she will build where she wants it - hopefully since you have them available she will move from where she is. Can you prevent the snakes from getting to her?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Rep. of Panama
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    Default Re: Activation Permission - Help Needed for Release of Theodora

    Hi Critter Mom, I fumigated the release spot and I believe that it will keep them from getting close to the tree by ground, but not by
    the branches. Nonetheless on Tuesday I went and picked her up and brought her to my house. She ate and slept, and by early next morning I get a message with a video of her sister at the release spot roaming around, so I took her quickly. Her sister wasn’t there anymore but she had eaten her food. I was happy that her sister was doing well and she roamed around the place, her nest and ate wild flowers. I left her there and by the end of the day went to visit her but she had left and my neighbor told me that she met her sister during that day.

    It’s been two days and I’ve kept continuing to provide for her with food and water at the release and a big almond tree next to a tenia court were the squirrels wander. I have found empty plates and sometime they don’t touch
    the food but I am certain that it is them because they eat what they like, and leave what they don’t. This weekend I’m going to put a battery outdoor camera to catch them in action and that way I can confirm there will be throughout this transitional period.

    I would really appreciate any other pointers you can give me to help them.


    Squirrel Nut

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