Hello everyone ,
After almost 3 years I finally figured out a way to get miss Winnie Lee to eat veggies ,
first of all she will eat Henrys healthy picky blocks as many as I let her have (3 a day)
I have had the hardest time getting her to eat veggies though I have tried so many kinds so many different ways so I figured out a way to trick her (for now anyways)
I take a small head of cauliflower split it in 2 and break up half and grind the daylights out of it in my food processor and add that to a huge mixing bowl,
I then take a bunch of portabella mushrooms and wash them and grind them up too add to the bowl,
I add a few kale leaves and a zucchini grind the heck out of them add to the bowl
half of sweet potato grind up add to bowl
fresh green beans or sugar snap peas grind them up and add to bowl
acorn squash or what ever squash is in season grind it up add to bowl
throw in what ever good veggies I have and , you got it grind the life out of it and add to bowl .
then I take a fresh orange and squeeze all the juice out of it and add to bowl
I take natural organic coconut oil and add a big glob to the bowl
and I use my hands and mix the heck out of the slop
and then I devide the mixture into 3 medium bowls and 1 small bowl
I then take a few different jars of babyfood fruit such as apple, banana, blueberry, pear, and so on and put a different flavor into each one of 3 of the bowls and mix it up with my hands
the last smallest bowl I add a glob of natural organic peanut butter
now the fun begins
You will need 4 cookie sheets , Take each mixture and roll out small meatball sizes of the mixture and place on cookie sheets label the different kinds for each sheet and place in freezer freeze until frozen then place the balls into freezer bags and label the different flavors
For the peanut butter ones I make the balls smaller and do the same but I only give her 1 a day
the other balls I give her about 3 a day .
I still offer her fresh veggies before the veggie balls but thats only because I refuse to except she wont eat them :/
hope this helps someone with a picky eater
and any suggestions to make them even healthier please comment .
Thank you .