On Christmas Day, we found 2 squirrels in the side yard, one with it's head but off, and then the mother dead in front of them in the street from getting hit by a car. We found the nest (in a tree as high as our house) that they must've fallen out of bc they were under it. It's 80 degrees here and was on Christmas so it hasn't been cold for him. We took the only alive 3 1/2 week squirrel. He now seems to have a runny nose and sneezing--making noises in sleep with mouth when breathing,( not constantly but every other time he breaths he is, it's not a clicking sounds I think, I'm not sure. It's coming from his breathing) not sure if it's because it's nose is stuffed up or not? We have kept him in a shoe box full of towels and fuzzy socks and hot hands warmers. He seems to maybe be bloated too, I've rubbed his private areas and he's peed. I'm so worried about him, I've been up all night making sure that he's okay and he just keeps sneezing and having a runny nose. I feed him 3CC of kitten formula every 3 hours and he has been loving it and always drinking all of it. I just have been looking up for hours, if I should use any antibiotics for the sneezing and runny nose, and if so.. What kinds? I cannot get in touch with any vets for him. I need help asap, because if this is somehow pneumonia then I want to do anything and everything soon to save him and what antibiotics to buy and how to use them for him. Please anyone help, I'm so scared for this baby. And I'm scared of these noises he's making, I just can't tell if it's pneumonia or not because it does not sound "darth vadar like" ):