Hi! I have been in contact with a very helpful, kind and caring squirrel mommy here. I seem to have so little time in my life lately to sit and write here on this board even though I've tried 3 times already. So I've copied from my message with Nancy and will post it here. Thanks so much ahead of time for taking the time to read.
To make a really long story short, my sister has a squirrel that she needs to go to a good home. I say rehabber. The squirrel is a cute little boy and is under a year old. She came across him last early Sept. He was on the sidewalk but not under the nearest tree. She thought he might have been taken from a nest because she said earlier she heard what she thought was a cat fight with squealing and just carrying on. Anyway, later after coming home she found him. It was just starting to rain and a really big storm was coming in. I have a guy that lives down the street from me who works for the city animal shelter. My sister didn't know what to do so I asked my him and he said she should just toss it back and let nature take its course. That or flush it. Kinda sad that he would think that way being it was a helpless baby and he worked with animals. But I helped he with getting some info for her and she was able to get the baby warm and dry. She wasn't expecting to keep the baby but after his eyes opened (on my husbands birthday, Sept 15) she said she couldn't just let him go. It looked at her as momma. She fell in love with the little guy. I can see why. She had her heart in the right place but she didn't really think it through. He's never had any health problems, healthy as a horse and a little on the chunky side, . But now he's almost a year and after talking with her many times about how if she really truly loved him and wanted the best for him she would let him be free and have the life he was meant to have. She after many, many, many talks and tears, she has agreed to let me help he find a rehabber that can give him a second chance, if it isn't to late. We both live near Boston. I'm willing to meet anyone willing to help me give Buddy (his name) another chance at a real squirrels life. Thanks so much for taking the time to help me.
To add to this, he is in a cage that is taller than it is wide. I think its about 3.5 to4 feet all and 2 to 2.5 feet across maybe. I'm not sure but it's about that. He is fed rodent blocks with added fruits and vegetables. Loves anything crunchy. My sister doesn't have a lot of money so I've been helping her with making sure Buddy gets everything he need's to keep him happy and healthy. So far he has never had any health issues that I know of. If there were any real issues I know my sister would've told me about it. He is a good boy , very active. It is sad though to see him in a cage with his little fingers poking through and him looking out. It just really bothers me, like I know he would love to be able to just run and play and be as nutty as he wants . If he only knew. It is all he's ever known but he deserves so much more. I know if anyone can help him, it's you guys. Thanks in advance