Hello! One of our young wilds came by and seemed to be struggling with his breathing and/or making sounds. He even choked a little while eating one of the Henry’s vitamin coated nuts we put out. He ate fine but continued making these hiccup motions and sometimes breathing faster or would make these small, soft crying sounds like when they do a warning call but as if he was struggling to do it. He went to rest on a tree and when he was resting, he seemed normal but with small movements it looked like he would breathe faster again. We have an outdoor enclosure and a wildlife center that we could take him to but I’m not sure if intervention is needed and he’s no longer in sight anymore. I will upload the video I got when I have a chance but I don’t think you’ll be able to hear anything since it’s raining and noisy outside today. Is there anything I could do if I see him come back? He’s actually been in the enclosure before on his own and went in there briefly today as well.