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  1. #1
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    Nanda, in the course of editing your thread we had a technical failure and posts were lost. We apologize for this. I will try to re-create your thread as best I can. Please update us on your squirrel and we will continue to help you.

    Island rehabber (Maura)
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  2. #2
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    Nanda post #1:
    Please Help me ! Emergency for baby squirrel !
    3 weeks back I rescued two Baby Indian Palm squirrels ( ~ 3 weeks old babies ) eye opened, fur covered stage. They actively fed on milk. Now the male baby squirrel showing some symptoms,
    Fever, thirst, unstable, lethargic, fur loss in some place posteriorly, no itching sign, nausea, unable to climb using limbs tightly, high heart beat like body shaking.
    I'm giving minute amount of calcium mixed with milk twice a day for last 3 days, and apple juice, but the condition is getting worse than before. Stool colour changes white and hard , small sized after calcium intake. Please help me. The female Baby squirrel is normal and active. I'm giving the same milk as food for her.
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  3. Serious fuzzy thank you's to island rehabber from:

    Bravo (01-09-2025)

  4. #3
    Join Date
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    City Island, Bronx, NY
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    : Stop the calcium for now! The white stool indicates an overload of calcium. Some critical questions:

    What are you feeding them?
    How often are you feeding?
    Do you have weights on either baby?
    Are they warm enough? Should be in 80-85 degrees.
    Is the formula warm enough? Should be 109-104 degrees minimum.
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  5. #4
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    City Island, Bronx, NY
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    Response from SamtheSquirrel:

    Nanda thank you for finding The Squirrel Board! I am so sorry to hear about you ill Squirrel!

    What are the names of your Squirrels?

    I am at work and only have a moment but I wanted to express my concern and also suggest what may be going on right now! It may be that your Squirrel has the beginning of Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) and you starting Calcium supplementation was an appropriate treatment. MBD results from not enough Calcium in the diet or excessive phosphorus (which interferes with calcium absorption and interferes with the body's use of Calcium) or as is usually the case; elements of both!

    Here is a link to Henry's Pets description of MBD; ( )
    Here is a link to Henry's Emergency Treatment of MBD; ( )

    Please provide detailed descriptions of your Squirrel' s diet or the diets of both Squirrels if different and also please post the answers to Island Rehabber's questions! What kind of milk or formula are you using? Please be detailed. Also, what is the particular Calcium preparation you are using as a supplement? If possible, please post photos of the entire label but also post the brand name of the calcium preparation and a COMPLETE and DETAILED listing of ALL of the ingredients!

    My major concern right now is that while your Squirrel may need additional Calcium, the particular Calcium supplement given is very critical! In the USA we can get very good and PURE Calcium supplements and even use Tums (Calcium carbonate) for providing supplemental Calcium to our Squirrels in need of this but in India, this is far more difficult as virtually all Calcium supplements in India contain Vitamin D! These are used for supplementing Calcium in HUMANS and contain Vitamin D! As these preparations are made for humans; not relatively tiny animals such as Squirrels; they contain what can easily become a TOXIC dosing of Vitamin D! In the USA, Tums and generic Calcium Carbonate tablets are used as antacids and NOT for Calcium supplementations and do NOT contain any Vitamin D!

    I suspect that your Squirrel may in addition to quite possibly having MBD; may in also be suffering from an excess of Vitamin D! The abnormal behaviors of your Squirrel such as lethargy and excessive thirst as examples; are consistent with some of the well recognized signs of Vitamin D toxicity! This is a critical concern and IF your Calcium supplement contains Vitamin D; it must be discontinued IMMEDIATELY as it can cause death! In the USA and elsewhere, Vitamin D is now commonly used as rodenticide (a substance that is marketed to kill rodents!)! It is essential that ALL Calcium supplements used for Squirrels must NOT contain any Vitamin D!

    Another issue would be in regard to your other Squirrel and that is IF both Squirrels share the same diet and IF one of the Squirrels is showing signs of MBD; it is an almost certainty that the other Squirrel also has developed MBD but is not yet showing signs of this and this Squirrel should get SAFE (No Vitamin D) Calcium supplements and also have the his diet modified appropriately as well!

    Please post the information about your Squirrels diet, the Calcium preparation used and any other updates!

    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  6. #5
    Join Date
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    City Island, Bronx, NY
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    Response from Tomahawk Flyers:

    Nanda, maybe I missed your answer to this question. It's a big one. You mention you are feeding milk. What kind of milk? Cow's milk? If so, please stop right away and let us know. Looking forward to hearing from you, ASAP.

    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by island rehabber View Post
    Nanda, in the course of editing your thread we had a technical failure and posts were lost. We apologize for this. I will try to re-create your thread as best I can. Please update us on your squirrel and we will continue to help you.

    Island rehabber (Maura)
    THANK YOU, IR!!!!

  8. #7
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    Hello again Nanda and I'm sorry about your original thread having inadvertently been deleted but IR did a great job resurrecting it!

    Please provide details of how your feed your Squirrels (such as with a 1cc syringe which is best), how often you are feeding your Squirrels and what type of milk or formula you are using. Here is a link to Henry's Website Guide for Baby Squirrel Care; it would be very worth your reading this! There are only 6 very concise pages and this Guide is very valuable!

    Some other possibilities beyond dietary causes for your Squirrel's change in behavior and apparent illness would include the issues that IR mentioned including the temperature of the Squirrel's environment and the temperature of the formula to ensure that the Squirrel is adequately hydrated. When you mentioned increase thirst, I assume that you are making that statement based upon the Squirrel's increased readiness to drink water and/or formula. Are you giving additional hydration (I use bottled water and mix about a teaspoonful of molasses, syrup or honey to a cup of the water and then heat it to around 103 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit [that's 99-40.5 Celsius])? This is also a good temperature range for the formula. It is essential that you use a 1cc syringe preferably with an infant animal nipple but the plain end of the syringe is ok. NEVER use a syringe with a needle or one that had a needle! Feeding is based upon weight and please post your Squirrel's weight. Most of us use what has come to be called the 5%-7% "rule" for calculating a feeding amount. You would weigh the Squirrel accurately every morning before the first feeding using a digital scale reading in Grams. You would then calculate the amount of formula to be given based upon an amount in MILLLILITERS that is equivalent to 5-7% of the weight you obtained in grams. As a simple example; if your Squirrel weighed 100 Grams first thing in the morning; EACH of that days feedings would be in the range of 5 to 7 milliliters of formula (5% of 100 is figured by multiplying the 100 gram weight by 0.05 which equals 5 and for 7% of 100, you would multiply the weight by 0.07 and in this example it would be 7mililiters.

    Another possibility for your Squirrels changes in behavior might be an infection such as a pneumonia. A common incident during feeding of baby animals especially by those new to this is aspiration. Aspiration is where the formula or hydrating solution gets into the breathing tubes and the lungs rather than going only into the stomach. This can result in a pneumonia. Usually there is lethargy, decreased appetite and often obvious breathing difficulties when a pneumonia is present! Is your Squirrel breathing normally? That would be through the nose and without apparent effort or struggling. It is always abnormal for a Squirrel to breath through its mouth! Was there a possible aspiration event that occurred during feeding? Just as a contingency plan, do you have any antibiotics available or can get some from friends or family. Only one human tablet would provide all of the antibiotic doses necessary for treatment of most types of infections that would occur in a baby Squirrel. My preferred antibiotic for aspiration pneumonia is Amoxicillin plus Clavulanate but others are ok as well. Again, I am not suggesting that your Squirrel has a pneumonia, only that this may be a possibility BUT I would suggest posting any antibiotics that you have available and we can give you any further advice and dosing recommendations if necessary.


  9. Serious fuzzy thank you's to SamtheSquirrel2018 from:

    island rehabber (01-10-2025)

  10. #8
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    I'm giving Nestle everyday milk powder mixed in Luke warm water, Badam in liquid form, britannia biscuits liquid form.

    Everything in one mix form.

    calcium ~ 300 mg per day. For 3 days .

    Two days I have given calcium with apple juice.

    There is no symptoms of aspiration pneumonia. They just lick the mix at the round tip of filler.

    No idea about their weight.

    High thirst, frequent urination, body shaking.

  11. #9
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    Hi Nanda,

    1. The milk you are feeding is at least one of the things that is likely causing your squirrels to suffer. Please, if you are unable to find Fox Valley 20/50 Puppy Milk Replacer, use the Homemade Goat's Milk formula found here: There is a feeding schedule on this page as well.

    2.Follow the protocol for suspected MBD here:

    3. Then, after your squirrels are ready for solid foods, please abide by the food pyramid found here:

    Nanda, by your description, your squirrels are in poor condition and may very well be approaching death. It is CRITICAL that you accomplish all the steps above immediately if they are to survive. Steps 1 and 2 right now. Step 3 when the crisis is over and your squirrels are ready for solid food. Please, do not delay. Your squirrels' lives depend on immediate and thorough action.

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nanda View Post
    I'm giving Nestle everyday milk powder mixed in Luke warm water, Badam in liquid form, britannia biscuits liquid form.

    Everything in one mix form.

    calcium ~ 300 mg per day. For 3 days .

    Two days I have given calcium with apple juice.

    There is no symptoms of aspiration pneumonia. They just lick the mix at the round tip of filler.

    No idea about their weight.

    High thirst, frequent urination, body shaking.
    Hello Nanda:
    Did you go to the link I gave you and read the information from Henry's about baby Squirrel care? It is very important! Henry's Baby Squirrel Care Guide;

    Did you read the information about Metabolic Bone disease (MBD) and a treatment plan from Henry's that I also posted but here they are again for your convenience;
    MBD; ( )
    Henry's Emergency Treatment of MBD; ( )

    I do NOT mean any disrespect but from reviewing your description of your Squirrels diet; I suspect that the major issue with your Squirrel (actually both Squirrels) is inadequate and inappropriate nutrition! I know that this was NOT intentional and in fact nutritional issues in baby Squirrels are extremely common when a person unfamiliar with baby Squirrel care finds themselves in a position to care for one of these Little Ones!

    Raising a baby Squirrel, while not inherently difficult; requires specialized foods, specialized means to prevent spoilage of the food, and specialized means to give the formula and foods to the baby Squirrel. None of this can effectively be accomplished without some specialized knowledge as well! That is one reason I posted the link to Henry's Baby Squirrel Care Guide!

    Baby Squirrel care is quite time consuming and the ways and means to accomplish this, again; requires use of specialized formulas, specialized rodent blocks for those Squirrels ready and able to eat solid foods, and specialized procedures! A baby Squirrel should be given appropriate formula even when eating blocks until the Squirrel decides to wean himself from the formula.

    The Nestle's Everyday Milk and other "Everyday" products are NOT adequate for providing proper nutritional support for Squirrels! The Badam or Badam milk is essentially almond and almond milk and both of these foods have an extremely bad Calcium to phosphorus ratio and this can and will lead to Metabolic Bone Disease among other nutritionally related conditions!

    I know that both Esbilac Puppy Milk Replacer POWDER (must use the powder, not the liquid) and Royal Canin Baby Dog Milk Powder are available in India. I would suggest switching to either of these formulas IMMEDIATELY and discontinue the Nestles and the Badam! Hopefully one of these formulas can be found at a local Pet Store or other source. These are also available from Amazon India!

    An Esbilac Link:

    A Royal Canin Amazon Link:

    It is also essential that you be able to weigh your babies to ensure proper calculation of the amount of formula to given with each feeding is ideal and to ensure that your are aware of lack of daily weight gain or worse yet, weight loss!

    As I mentioned in my original response to your post, please describe the Calcium preparation you are using. Please list everything it states on the label and if you are able, post photos of the entire label! 300mg does not really mean anything definitive as there are a fair number of different Calcium preparations (an example is Calcium carbonate) and each of these contains a different amount of Elemental (or pure) Calcium. For an example only, 300mg of Calcium carbonate contains only 120mg of Elemental or "pure" Calcium as Calcium carbonate contain on 40% Calcium!

    The other concern with the Calcium supplement whether or not it contains Vitamin D. As I mentioned, most all Calcium preparations available in India are used for Calcium supplementation in HUMANS and contain Vitamin D in concentrations that can be toxic (poisonous) to small or tiny animals! These cannot be used with Squirrels! Only Calcium supplements with NO Vitamin D can safely be used!

    Please also obtain a digital scale capable of reading in Grams. These are readily available in India and are relatively inexpensive and most importantly; an accurate digital scale is essential equipment!

    Please keep on with the updates!

  13. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by TomahawkFlyers View Post
    Hi Nanda,

    1. The milk you are feeding is at least one of the things that is likely causing your squirrels to suffer. Please, if you are unable to find Fox Valley 20/50 Puppy Milk Replacer, use the Homemade Goat's Milk formula found here: There is a feeding schedule on this page as well.

    2.Follow the protocol for suspected MBD here:

    3. Then, after your squirrels are ready for solid foods, please abide by the food pyramid found here:

    Nanda, by your description, your squirrels are in poor condition and may very well be approaching death. It is CRITICAL that you accomplish all the steps above immediately if they are to survive. Steps 1 and 2 right now. Step 3 when the crisis is over and your squirrels are ready for solid food. Please, do not delay. Your squirrels' lives depend on immediate and thorough action.

    Thanks Jamie! I guess I was writing while you were posting!

    Nanda, the Homemade Goats Milk Formula (HGMF) recipe from Henry's is a fine option until you obtain one of the formulas I mentioned. I would also strongly recommend using Pasteurized Goats Milk!
    Here is the recipe (minus the egg as I would recommend NOT using an egg):

    Homemade Goat Milk Formula Plus (HGMF+):
    3 tablespoons goat milk
    3 tablespoons plain yogurt
    2 tablespoons heavy cream

    When you obtain the Esbilac or preferably, the Royal Canin Puppy Dog Milk Powder (the Royal Canin would be my preferred option of the two), the powdered formulas MUST be mixed properly and the powder must always be kept in the freezer except when getting some out of the can to mix a batch. Any extra mixed formula should be kept in the refrigerator and always disposed of if not used in 24 hours! Also, while I do not believe the Fox Valley 20/50 formula mentioned by TomahawkFlyers is readily available in India; it would be a preferred formula of you can get this fresh!

    Mixing of powdered formula is also a critical step to ensure complete mixing and help prevent inadequate absorption of the nutrients as well as helping to prevent diarrhea developing from formula that is not thoroughly mixed!

    ALL powdered formulas MUST be kept in the freezer and removed only momentarily in order to mix a batch of formula. The formula powder must be MIXED WITH HOT water. I use water at 170 degrees F but just ensure that it is not near boiling. You can of course use hot tap water (usually around 120-135 degrees F) but I use bottled water (but probably this is more me than necessity). The formula can be mixed in a glass container with a cap and only the amount of formula needed for the next 24 should be mixed as ALL mixed formula MUST be disposed of by 24 hours and ALL mixed formula except while using it to feed your Squirrel should be kept in the refrigerator.

    When initially mixing formula, you can shake the bottle and or mix vigorously with a spoon but avoid machine mixing. The formula after initial mixing appears well mixed and this is where many have gone wrong and simply do a "quick-mix" and give it to the Squirrel. This should never be done as small, not easily visible particles of the powder still remain and are NOT in solution. These are very difficult for the babies to fully digest and they can pass into the intestine without any significant digestion having begun and draw water into the intestine and diarrhea ensues! After mixing the formula, keep it in the refrigerator at least 4 hours and preferable 6-8 hours before using it for the first time (you can mix the night before and use it starting with the first morning feeding! The formula should be gently but definitively mixed prior to each feeding.

    Before each feeding, the formula should be thoroughly hand mixed again and then the calculated amounts of formula for each of your Squirrels should be pulled up in 1cc syringes (withOUT needles) preferably with an o-ring plunger. Next, heat a cup of water to around 103-105 degrees F (again, that's 99-40.5 Celsius) using an accurate thermometer and place the syringes into this warm arm water just prior to feeding. This will warm the formula in approximately 30 seconds, check a drop on the back of your wrist just to double check if you want but it should be quire warm (around 103-105 F) as the babies prefer it that way, then gently rock the syringe back and forth a few times as a final mixing and give it to your Squirrels!


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