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Thread: can fleas “hitch a ride” on a squirrel that’s been dosed?

  1. #1
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    Default can fleas “hitch a ride” on a squirrel that’s been dosed?


    before we released muchi’s babies (story here!) we dosed them with revolution to prevent parasites. we’ve continued dosing them every 31 days since for prevention, so that’s three doses since august.

    this week we noticed that whenever daisy or pichi are on us, we have fleas on us after. they’re not itchy or losing fur — we wouldn’t have even known there were fleas on them if they hadn’t transferred to us.

    they’re dosed with revolution though, so is it possible the fleas are just in their coats but not biting?

    or maybe we gave them too weak of a dose and we just haven’t noticed the signs of the fleas biting?

    here’s a photo of pichi, just because she’s getting so big and grown up, i’m so proud of her!! she accidentally got a bit of calcium carbonate on her nose haha

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  2. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to astrll:

    Grinderhead (11-21-2024), scoopysnack (11-21-2024), TubeDriver (11-22-2024)

  3. #2
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    Default Re: can fleas “hitch a ride” on a squirrel that’s been dosed?

    hmmm, Revolution should kill any fleas especially if they are getting regular dosing. Not sure how they could have that many fleas? Are they sharing a nestbox with any other squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by astrll View Post

    before we released muchi’s babies (story here!) we dosed them with revolution to prevent parasites. we’ve continued dosing them every 31 days since for prevention, so that’s three doses since august.

    this week we noticed that whenever daisy or pichi are on us, we have fleas on us after. they’re not itchy or losing fur — we wouldn’t have even known there were fleas on them if they hadn’t transferred to us.

    they’re dosed with revolution though, so is it possible the fleas are just in their coats but not biting?

    or maybe we gave them too weak of a dose and we just haven’t noticed the signs of the fleas biting?

    here’s a photo of pichi, just because she’s getting so big and grown up, i’m so proud of her!! she accidentally got a bit of calcium carbonate on her nose haha

    Name:  Frame.jpg
Views: 56
Size:  118.2 KB
    See my wild squirrel adventures in the thread "Squirtle's yard!":!

    Loving dad to Sir Max, 2017-2018. There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.

    "Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of places if you look at it right."
    -Grateful Dead

  4. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to TubeDriver:

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  5. #3
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    Default Re: can fleas “hitch a ride” on a squirrel that’s been dosed?

    oh interesting, i didn’t think about if they might be sharing with a different squirrel. i can’t see pichi sharing with anyone, she was pretty solitary already when we released her. daisy sometimes shares with pochi, but they’re both dosed! and from what i can tell, pochi doesn’t have any fleas.

    i’d say most of our visitors are dosed actually — unless they’re sharing with someone we’ve never met!

    i think i gave them too small of a dose. they’re bigger than when we released them of course but i used the same dosage. shoot!

    we also ran out of revolution this month and the website we were using to buy revolution has been taken down i’m still searching for a new place. i have capstar but crittermom said that only lasts short-term. grrr

  6. Serious fuzzy thank you's to astrll from:

    TubeDriver (11-24-2024)

  7. #4
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    Default Re: can fleas “hitch a ride” on a squirrel that’s been dosed?

    Joe's takes a bit to ship - they are out of Australia, but they have been around for years.

  8. Serious fuzzy thank you's to CritterMom from:

    scoopysnack (11-24-2024)

  9. #5
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    Default Re: can fleas “hitch a ride” on a squirrel that’s been dosed?

    update here — it was definitely because we under dosed revolution. it was time for their next dose so we increased it and the fleas were gone the next day! so from now on we’ll use this increased dose.

    i wish humans could take revolution!

  10. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to astrll:

    scoopysnack (12-06-2024), TubeDriver (12-06-2024)

  11. #6
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    Default Re: can fleas “hitch a ride” on a squirrel that’s been dosed?

    Glad you found the issue. What is the new dosing if you don't mind me asking?

    Quote Originally Posted by astrll View Post
    update here — it was definitely because we under dosed revolution. it was time for their next dose so we increased it and the fleas were gone the next day! so from now on we’ll use this increased dose.

    i wish humans could take revolution!
    See my wild squirrel adventures in the thread "Squirtle's yard!":!

    Loving dad to Sir Max, 2017-2018. There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.

    "Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of places if you look at it right."
    -Grateful Dead

  12. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TubeDriver from:

    astrll (01-06-2025)

  13. #7
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    Default Re: can fleas “hitch a ride” on a squirrel that’s been dosed?

    Quote Originally Posted by TubeDriver View Post
    Glad you found the issue. What is the new dosing if you don't mind me asking?
    3 drops on a pecan! it’s working MUCH better!!!

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