Hello Babysquirrelmama:
I have returned from my trip and reviewed your Thread about Maxwell and you most recent concern about scant pooping and apparent "bloat" after eating. How is the poop situation this morning? It sounds like you have noticed some evidence of passing small, hard, black poops. This is obviously not the same as no poops at all but "formula poops" are not hard and black; they are soft and somewhat golden in color! You mentioned that Max's eyes opened a couple of days ago and that would indicate his age to be be around 5 weeks which also coincides with other developmental milestones noticeable in your photos of Max. Apparently you have obtained a digital scale that can read in Grams and you found Max's weigh on "eye open day" to be 66 Grams. Are you certain that the scales are calibrated and zero'd before Max is placed on them. Also, are you weighing Max every morning before his first meal of the day and calibrating the amount of EACH formula feeding based upon that weight using the 5%-7% "rule."
The reason I am asking these questions and making comments about poop characteristics with a formula fed baby Squirrel is that 66 Grams is a bit underweight for a 5-plus week old Squirrel and I would expect his weight to be over 100 Grams by now! My suggestion would be to stop the yoghurt and it sounds as if you have already stopped the antibiotics (please verify) and transition now to mixing the Fox Valley 20/50
as it should be made, and that is 2 parts fresh (bottled) water and one part FV 20/50 powder! Yes, I feel that Max could use fluids and it will be ok to give some extra flavored if necessary water between feeding but Max needs his nutritional support and that comes from the formula. He will also get plenty of fluids with the proper mixture of formula but again, it is ok to give a bit of extra fluids between feeding but it really should not be necessary.
On those notes, and after verifying the accuracy of your scales; I would like to suggest in addition to mixing the formula in the recommended proportions, that you feed Max as if he was 3-4 weeks of age as his weight is consistent with that age range. I believe Max needs to catch up and his poops will also normalize as he gets more formula mixed in proper ratio of 2 parts water to one part powdered formula. Use a 1cc syringe! I would also recommend that you hold Max upright when you feed him and tap the syringe a few times before beginning feedings to help get any trapped air separated from the formula and then depress the plunger slightly to remove the air from the syringe. I would also suggest that you feed Max every 4 hours. Go slow and YOU must limit the plunger if Max is a very avid "sucker" as this will help avoid aspiration and help avoid entraining air into the formula. We do not want a belly full of air, just formula! Give the formula drop by drop at first and if Max is definitively swallowing and not choking you can go on to giving several drops at once but while you. Max's abdomen should appear full after feeding but not distended (pushed out and hard) and it should be down to "normal" before the next feeding. I would also recommend that you concentrate on the formula for the next week and see how Max is doing with weight and poops before stating solid foods. When it is time to start the solid foods, start with quality Blocks only until he is avidly eating these. Formula should be continued until the Squirrel weans himself but Maxwell is in no way to the point of weaning and in fact, I believe he needs more nutritional support by the way of formula and hold off on solid foods for now!
As CritterMom mentioned in one of her posts, the way to mix and store the powdered formula is critical!
Here are my suggestions for storing and mixing formula;
The powdered formula MUST be kept in the freezer and pulled out only to get some powder with which to mix a batch of formula. The formula powder must be mixed with hot water. I use water at 170 degrees F but just ensure that it is hot but not near boiling! You can of course use hot tap water (usually around 120-135 degrees F but I use bottled water (probably this is more me than necessity). The formula can be mixed in a glass container with a cap and only the amount of formula needed for the next 24 should be mixed as ALL mixed formula MUST be disposed of by 24 hours and ALL mixed formula except while using it to feed your Squirrel should be kept in the refrigerator.
When initially mixing formula, you can shake the bottle and or mix vigorously with a spoon but avoid mechanical mixing as this is mentioned by the manufacturer and it is more likely to result in entrained air which should be avoided! The formula, after its initial mixing will appear fully dissolved and this is where many have gone wrong! Do NOT do a "quick-mix" and give it to the Max! The critical reason is that small particles of the powder still remain that are NOT in solution. These are very difficult for the babies to fully digest and the can pass into the intestine without any significant digestion begun and draw water into the intestine and diarrhea ensues! This can result in diarrhea and if there are very significant amounts of the unmixed formula powder particles, constipation or even obstruction can result!
After mixing the formula, keep it in the refrigerator at least 4 hours and preferable 6-8 hours before using it for the first time (you can mix the night before and use it starting with the first morning feeding! The formula should be gently but definitively mixed prior to each feeding.
Please keep on with the updates on little Maxwell!