Originally Posted by
Yes, extend the time between feedings for now. One of the potential causes of bloat is feeding too frequently... putting new formula into the stomach on top of old formula and eventually this can trap enough old / spoiled formula to result in bloat.
You can give the infant's simethicone (AKA Gas-X) 2 - 3 times a day, just a small drop.
At this age her milk line should be visible in her translucent tummy. Check that out before and after the next feeding... after she is fed formula you should be able to see her full tummy. Wait for the milk line to go away, or almost go away, before starting the nest feeding.
I'd also suggest going back to the temporary HGMF (no egg yolk!) until the Fox Valley 20/50 arrives or try to find Esbilac POWDER at a local store. I am not a fan... actually that is an understatement... of the EN formula (and anything EN for that matter).
Is the opened powdered formula stored in the fridge or freezer?
No microwaving to warm up formula, no re-using formula that has been heated but not fed (toss it out).