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Thread: Bloat

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Bloat

    I have a (barely) 2 week old baby with bloat! I have had for for approximately 5 days now. The first 2 days I was feeding her HGMF, then switched to Exotic Nutrition formula. I have since ordered Fox Valley 20/50. Problem is, since about the second day of me having her she has been bloated. It has been slowly getting worse. I have been hydrating her in between feedings and feeding her less. I have also been giving her gas x drops every 24 hours or so for the last 2 days. I’ve also been doing warm water soaks and massaging her abdomen. She is urinating and pooping, and pooping a TON! But her abdomen is still very bloated. Any ideas on anything else I can do? Thanks!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Bloat

    Let's start here to try to solve the bloat riddle: What is the baby's weight, how much are you feeding each feeding and how frequently are you feeding her?

    Best not to feed a baby when it is bloated...
    Squirrel Advocate

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Bloat

    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky View Post
    Let's start here to try to solve the bloat riddle: What is the baby's weight, how much are you feeding each feeding and how frequently are you feeding her?

    Best not to feed a baby when it is bloated...
    She weighs 21 grams, I’m feeding her 1-1.5 ml per feeding, and I was feeding her every 3 hours but yesterday and today I’ve reduced to to every 4 hours to try and help the bloat. I and just worried if I don’t feed her at all over a day she will have hypoglycemia or not have the nutrients she needs even though I’m hydrating with sugar water.

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    Default Re: Bloat

    Quote Originally Posted by therainbowfishy View Post
    She weighs 21 grams, I’m feeding her 1-1.5 ml per feeding, and I was feeding her every 3 hours but yesterday and today I’ve reduced to to every 4 hours to try and help the bloat. I and just worried if I don’t feed her at all over a day she will have hypoglycemia or not have the nutrients she needs even though I’m hydrating with sugar water.
    Yes, extend the time between feedings for now. One of the potential causes of bloat is feeding too frequently... putting new formula into the stomach on top of old formula and eventually this can trap enough old / spoiled formula to result in bloat.

    You can give the infant's simethicone (AKA Gas-X) 2 - 3 times a day, just a small drop.

    At this age her milk line should be visible in her translucent tummy. Check that out before and after the next feeding... after she is fed formula you should be able to see her full tummy. Wait for the milk line to go away, or almost go away, before starting the nest feeding.

    I'd also suggest going back to the temporary HGMF (no egg yolk!) until the Fox Valley 20/50 arrives or try to find Esbilac POWDER at a local store. I am not a fan... actually that is an understatement... of the EN formula (and anything EN for that matter).

    Is the opened powdered formula stored in the fridge or freezer?

    No microwaving to warm up formula, no re-using formula that has been heated but not fed (toss it out).
    Squirrel Advocate

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky View Post
    Yes, extend the time between feedings for now. One of the potential causes of bloat is feeding too frequently... putting new formula into the stomach on top of old formula and eventually this can trap enough old / spoiled formula to result in bloat.

    You can give the infant's simethicone (AKA Gas-X) 2 - 3 times a day, just a small drop.

    At this age her milk line should be visible in her translucent tummy. Check that out before and after the next feeding... after she is fed formula you should be able to see her full tummy. Wait for the milk line to go away, or almost go away, before starting the nest feeding.

    I'd also suggest going back to the temporary HGMF (no egg yolk!) until the Fox Valley 20/50 arrives or try to find Esbilac POWDER at a local store. I am not a fan... actually that is an understatement... of the EN formula (and anything EN for that matter).

    Is the opened powdered formula stored in the fridge or freezer?

    No microwaving to warm up formula, no re-using formula that has been heated but not fed (toss it out).

    Ok, I’ll be sure to wait for the milk line to go away before feeding her again. I have been giving her the gas x so I will continue that. The formula is stored in the freezer, and if I have extra reconstituted I store that in the fridge. To warm up her formula I put it in a syringe and soak the syringe in warm water, no microwaving. I have also been using the HGMF with egg yolk, so I’ll make up a new batch without!

  7. #6
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    Default Re: Bloat

    Alright, so I made up some HGMF without egg yolk and I fed her 0.5 cc a few hours ago because she was very weak even with sugar water. Her milk like was gone when I fed her. However, now her bloat is worse than before! I’ve also given her more gas x about an hour ago and that in combination with a warm water soak + massage doesn’t seem to be working. Any ideas how to solve this?

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    Default Re: Bloat

    Quote Originally Posted by therainbowfishy View Post
    Alright, so I made up some HGMF without egg yolk and I fed her 0.5 cc a few hours ago because she was very weak even with sugar water. Her milk like was gone when I fed her. However, now her bloat is worse than before! I’ve also given her more gas x about an hour ago and that in combination with a warm water soak + massage doesn’t seem to be working. Any ideas how to solve this?
    Update, I’ve been soaking her in warm water and massaging her tummy for about an hour now and there’s been no change. Also, I forgot to mention her bloat was significantly improved (although not 100%) before I fed her. She also will not poop now. I’ve been trying to get water into her to continue hydration, but she’s fighting me on it. She’s also currently on clavamox for aspiration pneumonia. What can I do about this bloat?

  9. #8
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    I'm at work with no time! Someone please try to help! Thanks!

  10. #9
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    Default Re: Bloat

    Here is a link to a 6 page review of baby squirrel care. As already shared, I would not add egg yolk to any HGMF:

    She may be struggling from the AP, or fighting an infection from the cat or god forbid both.

    With these tiny ones, make sure she does not get cold at all. Keep her wrapped when feeding, water baths should be almost hot (squirrel temps are higher than humans) and wrap her up and keep her very warm until dry afterwards. Especially important with these very long water bathes she is getting. Letting her get too cool can impact digestion (never feed a cold baby as a reminder to all).

    Hydrate with just plain water, just a small pinch of sugar or honey if needed to entice her. The water should be very warm, even hot (but not burning hot).

    Can you post a picture of her bloat and her belly?
    Squirrel Advocate

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    island rehabber (09-06-2024), SamtheSquirrel2018 (09-05-2024)

  12. #10
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    Default Re: Bloat

    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky View Post
    Here is a link to a 6 page review of baby squirrel care. As already shared, I would not add egg yolk to any HGMF:

    She may be struggling from the AP, or fighting an infection from the cat or god forbid both.

    With these tiny ones, make sure she does not get cold at all. Keep her wrapped when feeding, water baths should be almost hot (squirrel temps are higher than humans) and wrap her up and keep her very warm until dry afterwards. Especially important with these very long water bathes she is getting. Letting her get too cool can impact digestion (never feed a cold baby as a reminder to all).

    Hydrate with just plain water, just a small pinch of sugar or honey if needed to entice her. The water should be very warm, even hot (but not burning hot).

    Can you post a picture of her bloat and her belly?
    I am being sure to keep her warm at all times. I get fresh very warm water every time it starts to cool down when I’m soaking her. She’s a lot more active today, and her stomach is less hard, but definitely still bloated. I will have to attach a picture once I get home from work- it won’t let me do it from my phone.

  13. Serious fuzzy thank you's to therainbowfishy from:

    SamtheSquirrel2018 (09-05-2024)

  14. #11
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    Default Re: Bloat

    Quote Originally Posted by therainbowfishy View Post
    I am being sure to keep her warm at all times. I get fresh very warm water every time it starts to cool down when I’m soaking her. She’s a lot more active today, and her stomach is less hard, but definitely still bloated. I will have to attach a picture once I get home from work- it won’t let me do it from my phone.
    Here’s a photo of her belly- I got the best one I could, she’s very wiggly today!Name:  IMG_5181.jpg
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  15. #12
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    Default Re: Bloat

    Quote Originally Posted by therainbowfishy View Post
    Here’s a photo of her belly- I got the best one I could, she’s very wiggly today!Name:  IMG_5181.jpg
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    So, how often can I give her gas x drops and what is the maximum amount? When the light hits her just right I can SEE the gas trapped in her abdomen, but I can’t get it to pick up on camera I also just got her to pass a ton of gas, but there’s still more! I suspect getting all the gas out may help her bloat some or at least make her a bit less fussy!

  16. #13
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    Default Re: Bloat

    The dose for simethicone for a baby that small is 0.05ml. It can be given relatively frequently but I would suggest not more than (a max of) 4 -5 times a day

    More important is figuring out why all this air is getting into her tummy and stop that happening.

    Why style/brand of nipples are you using? Squirrels should never be fed with a bottle, as they will aspirate and often gulp air.

    Best to stir the formula vigorously and not shake it before feeding as shaking introduces a lot of tiny air bubbles. Mixing 2 days supply of formula ahead of time and allowing 6 - 8 hours for the formula to fully dissolve (stirring occasionally) while also allowing air to escape before feeding / using.
    Squirrel Advocate

  17. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Spanky:

    island rehabber (09-06-2024), SamtheSquirrel2018 (09-06-2024)

  18. #14
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    Default Re: Bloat

    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky View Post
    The dose for simethicone for a baby that small is 0.05ml. It can be given relatively frequently but I would suggest not more than (a max of) 4 -5 times a day

    More important is figuring out why all this air is getting into her tummy and stop that happening.

    Why style/brand of nipples are you using? Squirrels should never be fed with a bottle, as they will aspirate and often gulp air.

    Best to stir the formula vigorously and not shake it before feeding as shaking introduces a lot of tiny air bubbles. Mixing 2 days supply of formula ahead of time and allowing 6 - 8 hours for the formula to fully dissolve (stirring occasionally) while also allowing air to escape before feeding / using.
    Hi Therainbowfishy:
    Spanky's comments are all spot-on! Air in the stomach does not originate there, it is invariably swallowed air! The gentle mixing of the formula and rocking rather than shaking the syringe will help prevent air from being mixed in with the formula would ordinarily then be swallowed and form a bubble in the stomach. Also, right before you begin each feeding, hold the syringe vertically with the nipple upright, gently tap the body of the syringe a number times to help move any trapped air upward toward the tip of the syringe and then gently push in the plunger a very small amount to push any air that may be in the syringe out through the tip of the nipple!

    Also, even though your are noticing urine and feces, a Squirrel this young should still receive stimulation over the genital region at least after every feeding! This stimulation is ordinarily required for the baby to pee and poop and until the Bloat is resolved completely and maybe even beyond; I would suggest using stimulation before and after each feeding and maybe even in the middle of a feeding. This can help "keep things moving along)!


  19. #15
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    Default Re: Bloat

    Hi Therainbowfishy:
    How is you baby Squirrel doing?

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