Hello everybody, I am having a bit of an issue with my rescue. (male, grey squirrel: Ralph) I have had him now for 2 weeks. He came seeking help by chirping very loudly. As soon as he saw me, he quit chirping and walked up to me. So, I knew he needed help. I tried looking for momma or a nest at least to no avail. So, I decided to rescue him. The poor guy was very dehydrated and I gave him some water with a cotton ball. I got some Esbilac that day. He didn't want it at first but once he was hydrated enough, he started eating it like crazy. Age-wise, I am unsure. He came with open eyes, no bushy tail, and I'm unsure if he had top/bottom teeth. I believe he had bottom for sure, but top, I don't know. I have not had ANY issues with him feeding since he started eating (which I do every 4 hours except at night). I feed him at around 7am, 11am, around 3:45-4pm, then again around 8pm. Tonight was a little different, he didn't seem to want to eat as much throughout the day, and tonight he only ate about 3ml. He usually eats around 8-9ml easily. I cut a small piece of a grape out and he sucked on it for a bit but I didn't want him to bite into and get choked as I am unsure if he is ready for that. I have Henry's healthy blocks coming but I am afraid that he didn't eat much tonight. If I can figure out how to post a picture, I will post one so may e someone with more experience can give me an age range. He now has a bushier tail, bigger than he was for sure, and climbs all the way up my body quite easily..