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Thread: Questions Regarding A Recent Squirrels' Death

  1. #1
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    Post Questions Regarding A Recent Squirrels' Death

    Hello everyone,

    Let me start off by apologizing for the long message.

    I have been regularly feeding grey squirrels from my backyard window for about 4 years now and on Saturday around 8pm, a younger squirrel (close to adult size but still on the young side) showed up to my window seemingly looking for food. I had water, hazelnuts, pecans and walnuts (all unshelled) ready for him but as he started to eat a hazelnut and I looked closer, I noticed he was injured pretty badly.

    He had missing fur going from the top of his head down to his neck and was bleeding from those areas. It was getting dark but as I looked closer, I noticed he also had a handful of maggots on both his neck and the top of his head (mainly his left side), leading me to believe those were where he was wounded. I then noticed him limping on his left arm (the same side where most of his fur was missing) but he was still able to walk, climb and jump at the time. He stayed for a few minutes and only ate about 3 hazelnuts and 1/4 of a walnut before he left. He stayed still for a couple minutes before leaving. I initially thought he may have fallen from his nest and that's why he was limping, but after further thought, I believe he was most likely attacked by something or someone (my suspicion is maybe a cat as there are quite a few around the neighborhood).

    After I noticed he was injured, and most importantly, after I noticed the maggots, I immediately began searching online that night for any advice on how to help him heal his injuries and get rid of those infestations to get better. I live in Montreal and unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a lot of rehabbers that I could call for urgent help in the area. The one I found mainly operate through Facebook messenger for any squirrel emergencies, which I did, but their chat was closed due to the high amounts of urgent requests (understandably so) and they only had an automated response.

    The main answer I found online for situations like this was to capture/trap the squirrel and bring him to a rehabber or animal rescue place as quickly as possible, especially considering the maggot infestation. Unfortunately, catching or trapping him is not a viable option for me due to the fact that I live at the top of an apartment building and even if I was able to, a lot of people were saying that the act of capturing him could deal him more stress and cause even more harm to him. Therefore, I called an animal rescue group but they were unfortunately closed at that time so I then called the main animal control center in our area to ask for advice and they also advised me that he would need to be captured so they could see how bad the injuries and maggots infestation was. I would likely not have him picked up by animal control either way because I presume they would most likely end up euthanizing him.

    Desperate for other options, I found some recommendations online for an oral flea treatment called "Capstar" that is mainly for fleas in cats and dogs but that supposedly was successful in also killing maggots in squirrels, based on a couple of squirrel rehabbers that claimed it worked for their squirrels (about 1/4 of a pill crushed and mixed with water or food).

    Hence, I ordered Capstar that night from Amazon with the fastest shipping and it would be delivered the next day (Sunday) around 5pm. The next morning around 7am or 8am, that squirrel showed up again but he was laying still on a tree branch near my window and I immediately noticed the wound on his left side had gotten larger and there was 1 maggot on it, although I imagine the rest were already inside of him. The Capstar was not due to be delivered until later that evening, so I was unable to prepare it for him other than the usual food and water I had laying out. He left about 30 seconds after I saw him and went up a nearby tree and layed on a different branch for about 10 minutes, I could tell he looked very tired. He left again after that and this time I went outside and tried following him as I was contemplating maybe trying to capture him with a box if I was able to find where he mainly resides. Unfortunately, he had went down into someone's backyard with a high fence and I was unable to follow him further. I went back out later that day and looked around the neighborhood for almost an hour for any signs of him but I was unsuccessful.

    The Capstar got delivered on time later that day and I immediately prepared the recommended dosage and had it crushed in a bit of water and also had some mixed on nuts in case he chose not to drink any water again. I waited all day and night for his return but he unfortunately never showed up again.
    I woke up around 5 AM this morning and waited until noon to see if he would come back but he never did. Fast forward to a few hours ago today when I went outside to try my luck at looking for him again, that's when I saw him.

    He had unfortunately passed away sometime this morning. I found him laying on the edge of a nearby road next to the sidewalk. I am unclear as to if he was hit by a car or succumbed to his wounds, as he is laying right where the right side wheels of a parked vehicle would be, but I believe it happened sometime this morning before I went out because I passed by the same street yesterday afternoon when I went searching for him and there was nothing there. He was laying on his left side and there were multiple flies on the top of his head and neck where the wounds were so that's how I knew it was more than likely him.

    I am devastated as I am an animal-lover and squirrel feeding has brought me a great deal of joy the last few years. I also just lost my most regular girl a couple months ago (she was hit by a car), so this has been taking a great toll on me and I can't help but feel like I could have changed the course of actions and saved his life somehow even though my options were pretty limited.

    Can anyone tell me the rough chances of a young squirrel's survival once maggots have already started to develop on wounds? I apologize as I was unable to get any pictures or videos of this so I know it's nearly impossible to tell without seeing it but I just need to know if it would have changed his faith had I been in a position to be able to capture him and have him looked at by a rehabber or animal rescue. Assuming he passed away today from his condition, that would mean he was already in the later stages of the infestation when he came by on Saturday night and I assume he passed sometime earlier this morning (Monday), leaving only one day in between to take action (Sunday). From what I read, the best case scenario would have been to catch him and have a rehabber look at him to remove the maggots and clean the injuries. Would he have had a chance at survival if I had been able to provide him Capstar with his food on Sunday, or would it still have been a death sentence unless he was checked out by someone and had the maggots removed?

    Thank you very much for reading, any insight would be appreciated as I still feel an overwhelming sense of helplessness and guilt over this. The poor boy didn't deserve to live or die like this but I am trying to find a bit of solace with the fact that he is atleast no longer living in pain.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Questions Regarding A Recent Squirrels' Death

    Hi David and welcome to The Squirrel Board! Your story about the injured Squirrel is so very sad indeed! Thank you for caring so much that you ordered the Capstar and intended to directly help this poor injured and suffering Squirrel! I am sorry that this poor Squirrel passed but I totally agree with you that he is no longer suffering! This our system, David and its the only one we have and I know that you know this but it is still a human characteristic to wish for better and to want to help our fellow living beings who may have been injured or fallen ill and it is human nature to also blame ourselves when our plans for intervention don't come to fruition. While our "system" certainly has complexity, beauty, and mystery; it also has suffering, waste, fear and horrible means of death! I believe that you focused on removing the maggots a possible means to rid this Squirrel of an obvious bit of what is a disgusting and potentially harmful representation of some of the "ugly" aspects of our "system," and who wouldn't at least initially! You had, however; also noticed a number of signs of probable very serious injury and these increased the odds of this poor Squirrel having sustained other unrecognized hidden injuries that were probably far more serious than the maggots and the injuries you were able to see and all of that made his survival unlikely and full resolution impossible! Do not blame yourself! In fact, this is the system in the wild and fear and suffering are common and often go unmitigated except by death! When this little injured Squirrel came into your life, David; even for this relatively short period of time; you gave him something that most of his wild brethren wild will never know or receive and that is LOVE! Thank you for loving this Squirrel and please go easy on yourself! I wish you peace, David!

    RIP Little Injured Wild Squirrel!


  3. 4 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to SamtheSquirrel2018:

    David. (08-13-2024), Diggie's Friend (08-13-2024), island rehabber (08-13-2024), tnd5 (08-14-2024)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Questions Regarding A Recent Squirrels' Death

    Hello Sam,

    Thank you so much for your reply. It means much more than you think. Your words have made me feel a bit better knowing that his odds or survival were not the best even if I had been able to administer the Capstar or been able to capture him to get him checked out by someone.
    I will take it day by day but I am very happy to have found this place although I wish it were on more happy circumstances. Knowing that there is a community I can speak to who will understand exactly what I'm going through means the worls.

    I deeply appreciate you and your kindness.

    Best Regards,

  5. Serious fuzzy thank you's to David. from:

    SamtheSquirrel2018 (08-13-2024)

  6. #4
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    Default Re: Questions Regarding A Recent Squirrels' Death

    Hi David,

    Glad you found TSB where we are full of squirrel (and other animal) lovers. Thank you for quickly trying to help. Sometimes it does not work out. We all have been there. You are part of the 1% people who try to help. Thank you!

    From your description, sounds like the squirrel was seriously injured from some kind of attack. Maggots are a secondary issue. With his injuries, I'm not sure anything could have been done to save him. Now he is at peace and free of pain.

    Something good is coming to you as a "Thank You" from the Squirrel Gods.


  7. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to supersquirrelgirl:

    David. (08-13-2024), SamtheSquirrel2018 (08-13-2024)

  8. #5
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    Default Re: Questions Regarding A Recent Squirrels' Death

    Hi supersquirrelgirl,

    Thank you so much. As much as I hate that this happened, hearing that the outcome would have likely been the same due to the injuries gives me a bit of closure. I still cry whenever I think about it but I try to find comfort in the fact that he is atleast at peace and no longer in pain at the very least. I kept thinking of the "what if's" scenarios which maybe could have saved his life but the kind words and advice from you and SamtheSquirrel2018 have helped me see a bit clearer and I thank you eternally for that.

    Thank you both for welcoming me to this beautiful and compassionate family.

    Best Regards,

  9. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to David.:

    SamtheSquirrel2018 (08-13-2024), supersquirrelgirl (08-13-2024)

  10. #6
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    Default Re: Questions Regarding A Recent Squirrels' Death

    Hi David,

    In this case, there was no what-if's...........When little boy squirrel came to your window, he was pretty banged up and already in the downward spiral. Injuries were too much and maggots already. It was too late for anything. Poor boy in too much pain. Don't beat yourself up with what-if or do-over. Life does not work that way. You did more than most people.

    Suggestion for you: Read a few posts in TSB Success Stories Forum. Many stories are rewarding and you will cry happy tears.

    Feel better - You did good for the young squirrel!

    Quote Originally Posted by David. View Post
    Hi supersquirrelgirl,

    Thank you so much. As much as I hate that this happened, hearing that the outcome would have likely been the same due to the injuries gives me a bit of closure. I still cry whenever I think about it but I try to find comfort in the fact that he is atleast at peace and no longer in pain at the very least. I kept thinking of the "what if's" scenarios which maybe could have saved his life but the kind words and advice from you and SamtheSquirrel2018 have helped me see a bit clearer and I thank you eternally for that.

    Thank you both for welcoming me to this beautiful and compassionate family.

    Best Regards,

  11. Serious fuzzy thank you's to supersquirrelgirl from:

    David. (08-13-2024)

  12. #7
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    Default Re: Questions Regarding A Recent Squirrels' Death

    Hi supersquirrelgirl,

    Much appreciated, thank you. I will definitely make sure to read up on the Success Stories forum, that will hopefully make me feel better.

    Thank you kindly for being so helpful and generous.

  13. Serious fuzzy thank you's to David. from:

    supersquirrelgirl (08-13-2024)

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