My 12 year old squirrel is improving her strength, weight, balance, and activity, since my diet experiments to feed more calcium that she would eat.
we are having a problem finding and understanding the conflicting info on Ca\Mg ratios and more importantly, if they need to be served together or separately.
Does feeding Calcium ( citrate ) and Magnesium ( citrate ) together prevent the absorption and their needed metabolism to strengthen bones and counteract other MBD issues?
Is it better to feed Magnesium at different times than the calcium rich meal ?
Is Magnesium Citrate at a different time, better and easier on than just serving Almonds which are one of the highest sources of elemental Magnesium ?
And if almonds are better, are we speaking of dry roasted, or raw almonds ( regarding Oxalates )
What about Vitamin K2 ? She is eating plenty of Romaine lettuce. But
if she needs K2 to more efficiently process the Calcium - how much and how should it be sourced ?
Here is more of her history that I included in a post a few months ago.
She gets plenty of Sunshine.... and some days can be very active.
Yet I see a definite relationship between her balance, a day after a bit more calcium, and a day after she has had less.
Since my last post on my squirrel.. I have been doing a lot of diet testing, and have documented her response to each.
Yet this magnesium issue, and finding a balance that she feels good about and can continue to improve with, is frustrating.
Adding a bit more magnesium citrate to her food, results in soft poops and I get the impression she doesn't feel as well.
Serving her a few raw almonds separately, along with HHBs, lettuce, mushrooms, and rodent nuggets
(which she was brought up on and actually likes), leads her to consume less of my special calcium rich mix,
and then she is less balanced the next day.
So I am wondering if I should abandon the Magnesium Citrate, totally in the Calcium mix I feed her, and just rely on the almonds.
OR if I should abandon the almonds totally and need to make a separate magnesium mix to be eaten at different times
Generally she eats about 4-5 times a day, in varying amounts, depending on how her day starts.
Here is the background on my squirrel from a link I posted a few months ago.