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Thread: Having trouble stimulating baby to go bathroom

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Having trouble stimulating baby to go bathroom

    I have two third and a half to 4 week old northern flying squirrel babies in my care. They are around 40 grams and their eyes are not opened yet. I got them eating goat milk formula all day yesterday taking 1.5 to 2ml. However, I've only gotten one to poop. I am using a cotto ball warmed with warm water. I also have qtips. Is one better than the other? How warm/wet should the cottonball be and how vigerously should I rub? Do I run just the genitals, the whole stomach, or just below the genitals to get them to go number two? Since the cottonball is wet I cant tell if they go #1. Am I suupposed to put pressure when rubbing or just barely rub? Should they go #2 after ever feeding or if not about how often should I expect it? Finally, after how long of rubbing should I give up? Sorry for all the questions I just want to make sure I am doing it right.

    Other things: They are in a 10 gal aquarium with no shut off underpad heater with pile of cut up fleece and an old tshirt on top of that. Where they dig down to the thermoeter says 96F On top of the fleece pile it's low 80s but I never see them up there they are always dug down.

    I switched this morning to 50% powedered Espillac (sorry not sure how to spell it) puppy formula for 1-6 week old (the one with the black and brown puppy at tractor supply) and 50 percent fox valley for 4 weeks and up to 2 parts water

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Having trouble stimulating baby to go bathroom

    If they were without food for a time, it will take a bit before they accumulate enough waste to actually poop. That may be why you aren't seeing much.

    If using a q-tip, don't rub, apply a tiny bit of pressure and roll the cotton end over the genitals instead - no friction that way. You can also assist a little by stroking the tummy in a downward direction which simulates the muscular action that moves food through the digestive system (peristalsis). If you slightly dampen your fingertip, it will drag on the fur some and help things along.

    Babies that are actually constipated can benefit from soaking. Fill a bowl with warm water and holding the baby under the armpits and dangle him in the water up to the chest. Stroking downward like above while they are soaking well "move things along."

  3. Serious fuzzy thank you's to CritterMom from:

    applecrisped (06-07-2024)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Having trouble stimulating baby to go bathroom

    They are still eating but not pooping. There's yellow stains on the t shirt under them where they sleep but i think it's pee
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  5. #4
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    Default Re: Having trouble stimulating baby to go bathroom

    I did some digging on old posts and saw mentions of either mixing formula weaker or using apple juice mixed water (but no mention of what brand or how to mix it) or caro? Are any of those good ideas?

  6. #5
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    Default Re: Having trouble stimulating baby to go bathroom

    I finally got them both to poop. Not sure if just waiting helped or if giving the the 1 tsp honey to one cup of warm water helped I gave them that last night and after the 2nd feeding today both pooped. I also changed technique a little before I was laying them on their backs against my leg and stimulating them. I watched a bunch of videos most people hold them under their arms and kind of leave them dangling to do it. I will keep trying that from now on. If anyone has an opinion but if the issue returns should I change what I am feeding them which is 1 part 50/50 Epislec for 1 day to 6 week old puppy(sorry probably spelled wrong) and fox valley for 4 weeks and up to 2 parts water mixed and left overnight or use somehting else and if the apple juice water is a good thing to try and if so how to mix it. thnx!

  7. #6
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    Default Re: Having trouble stimulating baby to go bathroom

    What do they weigh (average weight), how much do you feed each time, and how often?

  8. #7
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    Default Re: Having trouble stimulating baby to go bathroom

    They are jjust over 40 grams now, I feed them 2ML per feeding but sometimes they only take like 1.7 or 1.8. I'm feeding them 4-5 times a day at least 4 hours between feeding. Can adjust if there's a better routine.

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