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Thread: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

  1. #1
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    Exclamation HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    Hi all! I received a baby flyer that was abandoned a week ago! His name is Bandit he is about 5 weeks old and weighs 30 grams ��He has been doing great until today…

    Today he has not wanted to eat! I have made some homemade pedialyte and I can barely get a few drops in at a time! He has had diarrhea all day and I haven’t noticed any peeing. Also after giving him a few drops of water he started to gag kinda!? And he vomited a little.

    About 20 min ago I tried giving him more pedialyte and he actually took a bit more of it! But then I started to hear wheezing in his chest and now some clicking! All I have for antibiotics is childrens Liquid amoxicillin! Can someone please help me!? I absolutely have fallen in love with this little guy!❤️

  2. #2
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    Default Re: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    By your description, Bandit might have Aspiration Pneumonia. Hold the Pedialite and wait for an admin to contact you with information on dosing the amoxycillin. Keep him warm. What have you been feeding him? Hang in there, you came to the right place for help.

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  3. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TomahawkFlyers from:

    Flyingbandit (05-19-2024)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    Thank you Jamie! I have been giving him puppy formula while waiting for FV 20/50 to come in. And some plain full fat yogurt!

    I noticed that the clicking stopped so I got my pediatric stethoscope out and listened to him on both sides and all I hear is his ( fast) heartbeat and normal breathing again!

    Do I still treat him? I’m new to all this and have been scouring this forum for hours!😅

  5. #4
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    Default Re: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    To dose, we are going to need to know the strength of the amoxicillin and the weight of your baby. Are you using a 1ml or smaller syringe to feed?

    It sounds as though you were hearing the pedialyte he was swallowing and not aspiration pneumonia though. It is an infection - it doesn't set in immediately.

    That doesn't mean that he didn't aspirate some fluid or even vomit while he was being ill. Having an antibiotic that is really effective on pneumonia is a good thing to have on hand, and plain amoxicillin is really just "okay." Regardless of what is happening now, I would ask around - one pill will make enough to dose an army of those teeny little guys. Things like Cipro and Amoxicillin clavulanate, which is different than what you have are a good start.

    BTW, if you don't have a stethoscope (they sell perfectly good cheap ones on Amazon in the $10 range), dropping a red plastic solo cup over the baby and putting your ear against the bottom is a remarkably good hack.

  6. Serious fuzzy thank you's to CritterMom from:

    Flyingbandit (05-19-2024)

  7. #5
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    Default Re: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    Thank you for the tips!😊

    Bandit weighs 30 gms
    The amoxicillin is 400 mlg
    I currently only have a 3cc syringe
    I do have a stethoscope

    Fingers crossed it doesn’t develop into AP!

    I found a rehabber in my area and am hopeful they will be able to help us out with antibiotics!

    What can I do about his diarrhea and him not wanting to eat or drink?

  8. #6
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    Default Re: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    What formula exactly are you feeding?

    I don't want to seem harsh, but if he hasn't aspirated yet, feeding with a 3ml syringe is about the best way to make that happen. You simply MUST get 1ml. The others allow too much milk to pass and especially for a little squirrel, it is too much.

    What is 400mlg? Is it a typo? Is this a liquid med or are you talking pills?

  9. Serious fuzzy thank you's to CritterMom from:

    Flyingbandit (05-19-2024)

  10. #7
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    Default Re: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    Yes sorry that was a typo!😬 It’s 400 MG liquid amoxicillin

    Goats milk esbilac powder 2oz water to 1Tbs formula.

    Also good to know! I will get a 1c syringe at my pharmacy.

    I will take whatever info you can give me!

  11. #8
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    Default Re: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    I am betting you have some rancid formula powder. It happens to all formula powders if the can is not stored in the refrigerator (for short periods) or freezer - much better, will last a long time this way. The goats milk formula goes rancid faster than any other.

    I strongly suggest you get a can of the Esbilac powdered puppy formula with the tri-color puppy on the label and keep it in the freezer. If the formula you have is rancid, he won't want to eat it and if he does it will likely upset his stomach to the point of regurgitating...

    I think maybe that your medicine is 400mg/5ml strength. It also sounds like he doesn't need it - it won't do anything for his tummy.

    How is he doing with that now?

  12. #9
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    Default Re: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    So I do have it in the fridge but, I didn’t put it into the fridge until 2 days after I got it and learned that, that’s where I was supposed to store it!😐

    I did find a syringe that I got from a dentist, that curves and has a teeny tiny tip/opening. I’m hoping this works for now until I can get a 1cc syringe tomorrow. 🙏

    He still is refusing the formula😞 I had made another batch this morning and just tried feeding him that and he will not eat it!

    This is so stressful!😅❤️

    What can I do or give him until I get new formula tomorrow? Can I give him just heavy whip? Or yogurt?

    Thank you so so much for helping me!❤️

  13. #10
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    Default Re: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    Critter Mom is, as always, right on point. I'm answering in case she's already gone to bed. First, perhaps it is best to abandon the goat's milk formula. On the assumption it is rancid, even if bandit did take some, he would vomit it right back up. His stomach would be upset, and he might start associating the syringe with "bad." To get him through the night, the plain yogurt would be the best alternative. The Esbilac powdered puppy formula is the appropriate formula to use - the powdered goat's milk - even if fresh - is a formulation that is not ideal for squirrels. If you need to thin the yogurt to get it through the syringe, please use water. Cow's milk is not compatible with squirrels and will do significant harm - especially to such a tiny little kid.

    As you wait for morning, Henry's Healthy Pets has a terrific guide for rescuing baby squirrels. It's much the same for tree squirrels and flyers - adjust for size!

    You are a good soul to take this on. Not sure what the laws are in MI, be aware that in some states and jurisdictions, taking a squirrel in for help requires that you do a permanent surrender. Depending on policy, that can lead to euthanasia. It seems that you have an attachment. When seeking help, pay attention to circumstances surrounding that help to avoid heartbreak.

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  14. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to TomahawkFlyers:

    Chirps (05-20-2024), Flyingbandit (05-20-2024)

  15. #11
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    Default Re: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    Flying Bandit! How are things with Bandit? Better, I hope.
    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  16. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TomahawkFlyers from:

    Flyingbandit (05-20-2024)

  17. #12
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    Default Re: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    Hi! Things are bit better with bandit today he’s been a little more active and is finally taking some food and water!😊 still has diarrhea though.😞

    Unfortunately for me, I, realized that I am not equipped nor do I have the time to continue to care for him the way he needs.😞

    fortunately for Bandit I found a rehabber close by (15 min away) that has just raised and released a flyer and is willing to take him!😊

    We are all very bummed to see Bandit go, but are hopeful that the rehabber will be able to raise him better than we can at this time.

    Thank you all again for helping us!❤️

  18. #13
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    Default Re: HELP!- 5 week old flyer has clicking

    You did more than most would have done. You likely saved his life. You are a good soul. Should another squirrel come your way, don't hesitate to drop in.

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

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