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Thread: re: sick squirrel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    New York
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    Default re: sick squirrel

    I have an 11-year old gray squirrel who is housed in a large aviary-like cage. This morning and now, he has been lethargic and just sitting outside of his shelter on a branch in his cage. I offered him a nut and he seemed interested and I thought he ate one of them but I'm not sure.

    He then started regurgitating/vomiting clear emesis. He did this several times. He allowed me to give him LRS w/ 5% Dextrose SQ. However, I'm worried about giving him anything orally since he is still vomiting. He ate a little bit late yesterday. not drinking.

    anyone have experience with a gray squirrel exhibiting such signs of illness? What could it be? How should it be treated? I'm calling in for a vet appt but sometimes I can't get in so I want to be prepared if I have to treat him myself.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: sick squirrel

    Your vet is certainly the best bet. It could be as simple as him getting into some spoiled food in a stash you didn't know about to something more serious and you vet has a lot of testing options that we just don't have.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
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    Default Re: sick squirrel

    Could be several things. Is it possible he ingested something that may be blocking the esophagus? I have handled cases with deer antler chips, splinters from chewed wood etc - food can't pass and is "regurgitated". Is your vet "squirrel friendly" so you won't have issues? I see you live in NY...

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