Hello, During a storm a baby squirrel was blown from his nest and wasn't rescued by his mother. I have hand reared and raised him and he is now approximately 5 months old.

Last night he suddenly became unwell and he has lost controll and some use of his back legs. I have done the pinch test and he does react. However he is holding his shoulders very hunched up and keeps having spasms in his neck and shoulder area. He is unable to move around and has been lying down. I have given him child ibuprofen 100mg/5 ml, he is 1.3 pounds in weight so I have given him 0.30cc twice so far (4 hours apart.) I have also given him calcuim (tums in a paste) and a little honey on his gums. Urgently need advice. He hasn't passed feaces or urine since he became unwell. Please advise on what to do (the laws in the UK are very strict so vet is not an option.)