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Thread: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

  1. #21
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    I am very happy to hear that your baby is going to Acorn Acres……and that it is close by so you can visit. You are making the right decision. These little ones are so frail and dealing with an abnormality (if there is one) just complicates things ten fold.

    I was completely clueless when I found my first dwarf squirrel many years ago….. I didn’t even know there was such a thing! With the guidance of the folks on this board I learned that one of the top squirrel vets in the country was only an hour away from where I lived. I was fortunate….with tons of help from her I was able to keep him alive, but it was very challenging.

  2. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Mel1959:

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  3. #22
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    👏👏👏 your flyer will be well taken care of 👍
    I wish we had a Betsy ACORN ACRES down here in Florida!
    Just about all rehabbers in my area for one reason or another are no longer rehabbing 😒

    Hey Betsy ever think of expanding to Florida 😁
    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

    I'm not poof reading any of this

  4. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Charley Chuckles from:

    Milo's Mom (02-08-2024)

  5. #23
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    And here is a that you have been exposed to flying squirrels. Where did you find him? Was it on your property? Under some trees or a structure of some kind? If so, you have probably stumbled onto a flyer colony. It is easy to have them living around you with no idea it is happening... Tiny, quiet, awake when we are asleep and vice versa... If you found him on your property, put up feeder for them. Don't mount it on the tree or structure itself; rather put it nearby. Night vision camera setups are ridiculously cheap. Getting to watch them do what they do - dart around like lightening, flinging themselves off into the void and disappearing in the night is quite magical.

  6. 4 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to CritterMom:

    Charley Chuckles (02-08-2024), Mel1959 (02-09-2024), Milo's Mom (02-08-2024), TomahawkFlyers (02-08-2024)

  7. #24
    Milo's Mom's Avatar
    Milo's Mom is offline Permitted Pennsylvania Wildlife Rehabilitator
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    Little Scarlett has arrived.
    Still not sure what's going on with her special little self. She ate a good dinner and had a little wipedown/bath.
    Shes currently curled up in a Cozy Pocket napping.

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  8. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Milo's Mom:

    Charley Chuckles (02-10-2024), Mel1959 (02-09-2024), SamtheSquirrel2018 (02-10-2024)

  9. #25
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    To the OP:

    Each of the people with whom you've communicated has had to say good-bye to at least one beloved creature. We know how difficult this has been for you. You are brave, selfless people. Your little special-needs flyer, in the hands of a true expert, has a chance to survive and thrive. Thank you for your selflessness and the love you have for your squirrel.


  10. 4 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to TomahawkFlyers:

    Charley Chuckles (02-10-2024), CritterMom (02-10-2024), Mel1959 (02-09-2024), SamtheSquirrel2018 (02-10-2024)

  11. #26
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    Welcome Scarlett. I hope with MilosMom’s help we can unfold your mystery as to why you are the way you are.

  12. #27
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by CritterMom View Post
    And here is a that you have been exposed to flying squirrels. Where did you find him? Was it on your property? Under some trees or a structure of some kind? If so, you have probably stumbled onto a flyer colony. It is easy to have them living around you with no idea it is happening... Tiny, quiet, awake when we are asleep and vice versa... If you found him on your property, put up feeder for them. Don't mount it on the tree or structure itself; rather put it nearby. Night vision camera setups are ridiculously cheap. Getting to watch them do what they do - dart around like lightening, flinging themselves off into the void and disappearing in the night is quite magical.
    My brother-in-law has a feeder set up near a window by his chimney that is at the back of his house. It’s at the 2nd story height. He lives in Massachusetts. Although his house is near the trees it’s not in the trees. While I was visiting last May the flyers soared from the nearby trees and landed on the feeder for a snack. It was amazing to witness through the window. Surprisingly they didn’t seem to mind us watching them.

  13. #28
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    Little Miss decided to crawl off her heated cozy nest overnight and was found frozen stiff this morning. After some emergent warming and fluids and sugar we started our day again at 1 once she was thoroughly warmed. She ate very well...but now 8 hours later her tummy is still full.
    Tummy rubs, sq fluids, water orally and antibiotics (I don't like her breathing) and she's in the Incubator for the night.
    She's active once you wake her up, she chirps when sq'd and wiggles until she finds her comfy spot.
    There's definitely something going on but I'm not sure what yet.
    If things don't turn within the next day or so we'll be making a run to see the good doc.

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  14. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Milo's Mom:

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  15. #29
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    Thanks for keeping us up to date on this little one. She has had such a terribly hard life and has a remarkably challenging journey ahead. Yet, here she is - trooping forward with every last bit of her tiny little self. She already looks a wee bit better. We are soooo rooting for her. Could she be so malnourished that it is taking awhile to fill up her plumbing and getting things moving? Thank you again for taking her in.


  16. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TomahawkFlyers from:

    Mel1959 (02-11-2024)

  17. #30
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    What are her poops like? Could she be suffering from megacolon? If she is a dwarf, this is a possibility. Joey had loose stool, but Dr. E still diagnosed him with megacolon. I gave him Cisapride and Metoclopramide for years.

  18. #31
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    Miss Scarlett is filling out. Every so often we have a little blip and she loses a couple grams, but overall I feel that she's doing well.
    Absolutely no interest in solids. NONE

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    Top-quality custom cage gear, accessories, blankets, & toys.
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  19. 6 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Milo's Mom:

    Charley Chuckles (03-01-2024), Grinderhead (02-29-2024), island rehabber (03-01-2024), Mel1959 (03-01-2024), SamtheSquirrel2018 (03-01-2024), TomahawkFlyers (02-29-2024)

  20. #32
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    She looks a great deal better. Her eyes aren't so dull and sunken in as they were. Solids. Perhaps her growth is so retarded that her system is simply not yet ready to signal for solids? How are her teeth? I remember mention having been made of a home-grown trim or two - is it possible that either it hurts to chew or that she remembers pain from trying to chew just after the trimming?

    Thanks for the update.

  21. #33
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    i just wuv her....
    Island Rehabber
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    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  22. #34
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    Miss Scarlett looks like a little teddy bear ❤️❤️❤️
    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

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  23. #35
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    It's been a hot minute...
    Scarlett continues to improve and is now growing new furs on her tummy and tail.
    We've gone to tube feedings as it is far easier on both of us.
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  24. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Milo's Mom:

    Charley Chuckles (03-23-2024), island rehabber (03-23-2024)

  25. #36
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    Oh my goodness 😍
    Great job Betsy 😘
    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

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  26. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Charley Chuckles from:

    Milo's Mom (03-24-2024)

  27. #37
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    What a difference. Doubtless she'd have not lived without your intervention. It is actually miraculous to see what the combination of skill, compassion, and the will to live and thrive can produce.

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  28. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TomahawkFlyers from:

    Milo's Mom (03-24-2024)

  29. #38
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    Top-quality custom cage gear, accessories, blankets, & toys.
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    TSB thread: Auntie MM's Custom Boutique Website: Facebook: Auntie MM's Facebook Page

  30. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Milo's Mom:

    island rehabber (03-31-2024), Mel1959 (03-31-2024), TubeDriver (04-04-2024)

  31. #39
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Milo's Mom View Post
    Great job MM! You are spectacular and so is little Scarlett Squirrel!

  32. Serious fuzzy thank you's to SamtheSquirrel2018 from:

    Milo's Mom (03-29-2024)

  33. #40
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    Default Re: Baby Flying Squirrel Help!

    She's so cute watching her bouncing around 🥰
    I just love her ❤️
    Awesome job Betsy 😁
    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

    I'm not poof reading any of this

  34. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Charley Chuckles from:

    Milo's Mom (03-29-2024)

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