I have a few observations.
First, I really think you need to knock off the additional calcium, or drop it down to a few of those calcium balls a week, not a day. Too much calcium can be problematic in a number of areas and could actually be the reason for this. You m
entioned in your other correspondence to me that his poops had gotten very dark so you increased the calcium. The poops are supposed to be dark brown - like the nastiest dark chocolate you have ever tasted! When you see the lightness in the poops it is caused by excess calcium that has not been absorbed by the body. Unabsorbed calcium can get itself into all sorts of problems. THAT is a sign to back down on the amount of calcium you are giving. Once he got through MBD, the Henry's blocks he is eating should supply him with all of the calcium he needs.
Squirrels can get through MBD and be just fine after, but their humans are scarred for life. When I first started here, MBD was little known, there weren't other sites like ours, and we were BURIED under MBD cases since high levels of phosphorus like in NUTS is normally what actually causes it. I remember one of our members who is no longer with us unfortunately (Nancy in New York
) sending me a PM one night saying that she was having to physically restrain herself from shoving calcium into her squirrel "just in case." The idea is to hit the right amount of calcium and the Henry's were designed with this specifically in mind. Henry was a squirrel, who got MBD, and his mama is now "Henry's."
So step one will be to STOP the additional calcium over and above what the Henrys provides.
The other is an observation that oddly I have now made two days in a row. Boy squirrels territory mark (girls probably do too but I have never lived with one). That isn't a normal pee. They want to mark MANY places so they dribble - literally a couple drops her, a couple there, and if you aren't specifically watching every second it is easy to miss a couple drops of pee. When I washed all the sheets I drape over everything to try to catch the pee, my old boy Mister P (aptly named) would work himself into a frazzle trying to get all the good pee smell back where it belonged, and would run to the water dish several times to refill. Given that Hamy is in season, is that a possibility?
Absolutely no waterer leaks, right?