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Thread: Hello I'm new here

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevelisa View Post
    only crittermom seems to get by unscathed, we saw her perfect model hand once i think she is the rare squill whisperer
    Bony, wrinkled old clearly need glasses!

    I wear thin cotton gardening gloves that have fake ultrasuede palms when I play with Zeke. He has a bit of a fetish about ultrasuede - my drapes are ultrasuede thermal and they have little stains all over because he gathers them in his pointy hands and licks them until they are soaking the gloves are a huge hit. When they are so full of holes that they don't count as gloves anymore I turn them over to him and they become his favorite toys. Adorable little weirdo.

    If you get some gloves to try, just hand them over and let him play with them for a few days first. Then put them on.

  2. #22
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    The first time was ok but the second time he forgot the nut in his mouth... you should have seen the table after hamy was determined to save his hazelnut 😅🤣😂 wasn't much tea left...
    Yeah I'm going to try the blocks as are first. I did put 4 of the kibbles we've included bought with his nuts. He actually ate 2 of them...

    My hubby and I are really greatful for you all helping us. It was very difficult to find proper information. There is so much garbage to be found on the internet... stuff like greys are afraid of human hair....or greys are afraid of anything red coloured 🤦 Yeah and some of the feeding ideas we found are just flat out ignorant... it feels great to be able to ask and to know that you all really know what you're talking about. I feel so much safer with Hamys upbringing. Afterall his wee life depends on us not making mistakes. A BIG GIGANTIC THANK YOU FROM THE DEAPEST BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS❣️❣️❣️
    Today was the first time Hamy went to bed on his own. We snuggled and he just jumped in to his cage and straight to bed after the usual sip of water and a nut. He looked out of his bed as I closed both cage doors. He stretched and went back to bed 🎉 🥰 my baby is growing up 🥰
    Well he did steal a whole avocado earlier 😅

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Hello I'm new here

    Icemouse, your posts are every bit as entertaining as Hamy's adventures. If your writing is a reflection of your personality, you must be one fiery ball of energy and joy! It is nice that you are here.


  4. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to TomahawkFlyers:

    Charley Chuckles (01-12-2024), island rehabber (01-14-2024), Mel1959 (01-12-2024)

  5. #24
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    Just a side note, I'm in sure you've looked at the squirrel food pyramid nuts are just for a treat as they rob calcium from the bones 👍
    Give Hamy a kiss for me 😘
    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

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  6. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Charley Chuckles:

    CritterMom (01-13-2024), Mel1959 (01-12-2024)

  7. #25
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    Default Re: Hello I'm new here

    Quote Originally Posted by Charley Chuckles View Post
    Just a side note, I'm in sure you've looked at the squirrel food pyramid nuts are just for a treat as they rob calcium from the bones 👍
    Give Hamy a kiss for me 😘
    Hiya Charley Chuckles,
    Yeah I'm fully aware of the food pyramid. My problem is that the Teklad 2018 we've ordered will take 2 more weeks to arrive.... I thought I follow the pyramid as much as possible till the blocks finally arrive and I can change Hamy over immediately.
    Unfortunately none of the rodent block brands you all use are available in europe... the fastest one to get here was teklad 2018 coming from the US. I'm fully aware how important good nutrition is as I used to be an athlete many moons ago. Believe me if I could get the blocks in any faster I sure would. Hamy is still growing and he had the wrong diet for a few months now.... it's really important to us to have him on the best diet possible. We're really strict with Hamys intake. He will never ever get "human food" or any processed garbage... I'll defo stick to the pyramid.
    I'm really hoping the blocks arrive soon and don't get stuck in customs....
    Hamy thanks you for the kiss and sends kisses and cuddles 😘

  8. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Icemouse:

    Charley Chuckles (01-13-2024), island rehabber (01-14-2024), Mel1959 (01-13-2024)

  9. #26
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    Default Re: Hello I'm new here

    Quote Originally Posted by TomahawkFlyers View Post
    Icemouse, your posts are every bit as entertaining as Hamy's adventures. If your writing is a reflection of your personality, you must be one fiery ball of energy and joy! It is nice that you are here.

    Hiya Jamie
    Yeah I have a bit much energy...had that as a child already and never grew out of it..... Hamy fits in perfectly.
    He comes up with the wildest stunts. As we were ill beginning of December a friend of ours left some roses from their garden for me at our doorstep. Hamy was well chuffed. He first "helped" me to put the roses in the vase. Hamy only ripped off a few green leaves. I had my hopes up that at least 1 or 2 of the bunch of roses would survive for a few days... my hubby placed the vase on the windowsill and before I could blink an eye Hamy through all the roses out of the vase and bit the heads of 3 of them. He dismantled the whole bunch in minutes. Hamy had a ball....
    Icemouse and Hamy

  10. #27
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    "A rose by any other name would smell as sw... HAMY!!!"

  11. #28
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    Morning guys,
    I have a rather dumb question... we are planning to put up shelves to build a "squirrel highway" in the room where Hamys cage is..
    Now my question: Since we have to drill holes should I take Hamy out of his cage to a different room so he doesn't have to hear the loud drill that much or is it better to leave Hamy in his cage since he feels safe in it? I can't move the cage out of his room as it's too big to fit through the door....
    Hamy usually jumps on me, sometimes if his cage is closer he jumps in his house in the cage when he gets a fright...
    When we're vacuuming I usually take Hamy to a different room. He's terrified of the vacuum cleaner.....
    I think he'd feel safer when I go to a different room as I'll keep him busy and the noise is not that prominent.... but.... I really don't know whats best.... I want to make it as easy as possible for Hamy. Even in a different room he will still hear the drill... just not that loud....

  12. #29
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    If possible I usually take them to a different room and before the noise I say VROOM❗ VROOM❗ my way of warning then while the noise is going I sing, laugh ,play so they think it's all normal 😁
    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

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  13. #30
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    Yes I’d take Hamy to a different room and distract him as best as possible.

  14. #31
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    Thanks a million Charley Chuckles and Mel1953!!!!
    I'll take Hamy to the kitchen with me tomorrow. That's the room furthest away from the noise.
    I'll use the "vroom vroom" as well. I love that idea to give him a fair warning before the "hassle" starts. Communication is the key to a happy life....
    Since Hamy hates change in his environment I thought I have him involved when we messure everything out and mark the walls. We cut the boards to size at the place of purchase.... It's untreated red wood, which is pine where we live. I'll just go to the kitchen with Hamy when my hubby drills the holes. Hamy is my shadow anyway �� He always makes sure he comes along as soon as I get up. And I sure love his company...The poor dude is really busy as I can't sit still for a long time ��
    Hamy went to bed on his own again this afternoon. I'm mighty proud of him ❤️.... I want him to see his cage as his safe place not a jail.... I really want him to have the best life possible wherever he wants to be...
    As we started this journey I wasn't sure if Hamy would survive the first 24 hours as he was so emaciated and covered in fleas �� ... but he's a wee fighter �� he's my wee braveheart ��
    Oh what do you all think of hamster wood chips for squirrels to dive in... is there anything about the wood chips I have to be careful about?Name:  IMG-20240114-WA0001.jpg
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  15. #32
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    braveheart he is 🤗
    Yes their cage is their bedroom as a outside nest would be ( but not as luxurious 😂 )
    I wouldn't use chips stuffed animals/ fleace is a good dive in for them. Branches for chewing and things like antlers. Don't know if y'all have anything like our Dollar stores, they have great small stuffies. I try to buy without the squeakers inside but if they have them I remove them so they don't get the plastic 👍

    Funny side note while typing this my husband yells "VROOM VROOM" scared me, he was starting the vacuume squirrels have us all trained 😂
    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

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  16. #33
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    Morning Charley Chuckles 😃
    😅 yeah we think we train our dogs as well.... in reality the dogs train us as much as we train them 😅
    Hamy is defo a braveheart. I was all nervous how Hamy would cope with the noises when we put up his highway.... especially the hammer drilling.... and the sanding of the egdes on the individual shelf boards. I didn't use the electric sander I used a sanding block.... first Hamy was suspicious with all the "new stuff" we brought home.... Hamy notices the smallest change...
    So we thought my hubby starts with Hamys highway while I prepare his food in the kitchen.
    I said "vroom vroom" my hubby started drilling. First Hamy climbed in my hands for safety as he heard the drill the first time.... but after the 3rd hole being drilled Hamy realised that my hubby was missing in the kitchen (we always prep Hamys food together) Hamy went out of the kitchen, along the hallway.... closer and closer to the " construction site". We had that door shut to minimise the noice....
    My hubby was drilling and Hamy standing in front of the door scratching the wooden door.... as I walked towards Hamy he jumped on my shoulder. I turned around and walked towards the kitchen with him and he jumped off and ran back to the closed door.... I went back to Hamy... He climbed on my shoulder and we walked in to the construction site.... He inspected his dad first and then the rest of the stuff laying around.... I'll attach pictures.... Hamy was in his element.... he was defo not afraid of anything.... we only got half of the highway up... we'll finish it today... Hamy got nerves of steel.... when I crack a coconut, I use a hammer, Hamy watches sitting on my hubbies shoulder.... as soon as the coconut is open Hamy comes flying grabbing a piece... he always takes the biggest piece, climbs on my shoulder with it and starts eating. After a few bites he stashes it 😅 looks hilarious that wee dude with the gigantic coconut.... don't worry guys Hamy does not get a whole coconut.... he only gets a very small piece... it's not part of his diet.... it's only a wee treat..... he sure likes the coconut milk... he always has a few sips.
    Hamys hearing is excellent. There's nothing wrong with it... he can hear a needle drop... I realised that if I stay calm Hamy stays calm.... I'm clumsy as can be... I guess the poor dude realised that the first 3 weeks as he was living in a pouch being carried around with me during day....
    Attached Images Attached Images       

  17. #34
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    . Looks like Hamy is content high on his perch.

  18. #35
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    Hamy the tool time squirrel 🤣
    Great job and how funny here we were worried and Hamy wanted to be in the middle of the construction 😁
    Oh my kids always like the coconut shells to chew on 🥥 👍
    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

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  19. #36
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    The highway is done... Hamy helped even more yesterday. He desided to climb on each board as my hubby was putting it up.... very helpful. Hamy had to watch every screw being driven in the wall.... he really liked the hammerdrill and was almost upset that he couldn't drag it to his house.... but the spirit level was not bad either. Hamy had to round off some corners and then smudged himself along each board. He thought it was great to look down. As we cleaned up the mess we've made Hamy watched us laying stretched out nonchalantly on different boards...
    Now it's just putting up stuff like hamsterbridges, branches, hammocks etc... if anybody has ideas how to make fun things for Hamy please let me know. I can build a hamsterbridge but you all have a lot more experience what's fun for squirrels.... any idea is very much appreciated.

  20. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Icemouse from:

    TubeDriver (11-11-2024)

  21. #37
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    We need finished pics😁
    I'll take some of my set up .....I use those fleece blankets I get from Walmart they can be purchased online, light weight, I make hammocks and cut them tie them to make toys to jump with, again a pic will be better than me explaining it and I haven't had my coffee yet so brain fog 🤣
    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

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  22. #38
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    Some of my setups you can hang fleece for Hamy to jump on .....
    Well I've tried twice to attach pictures 📸 and it's not working grrrr I'll try later 👍
    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

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  23. #39
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    One at a time maybe 🤔
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    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

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  24. #40
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    Still having trouble with pics so I'll have to work on it 😉
    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

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  25. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Charley Chuckles from:

    TubeDriver (11-11-2024)

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