Just browsing and saw your question, about the blocks being nutritionally complete…
I’ve had to rely heavily on “boo balls” because I did not start my kids out right. Now, they’re spoiled, picky eaters! And, I have a post surgical, nearly toothless neuro squirrel who has survived on nothing but boo balls (using recipe here) for years. I use the double baby food /to formula, block and nuts version, so they are softer. I also bake them one hour at 220. No raw veggies or fruit; she tosses them. Knows she might choke.
So I too wondered why (in some recipes I’ve seen around) why they call for the extra vitamins ; whether Henry’s or Nutrical. Because , it’s true; they are formulated to be 100% nutritionally complete for lab rats . Formulated for NR, tree squirrels?? To live as long and healthy as possible? No. But until Henry’s, that’s all there was . And my kids have tried all versions and they won’t eat them daily as needed to for them work with the Pyramid.
I once spoke with a long time member here, that had a grey live to be (??17? 18??) that ONLY ate rodent block as a main diet (Mazuri I think). Veggies and fruit were an OCCASIONAL “treat”. I and just thought , WOW. If only!!!
Because we waste SO MUCH good food. Beautiful salads… Probably enough to feed a human family of three (US!!) a week! I’ve tried , and TRIED, to create the picture perfectly menus. “This to balance that”; because of this ratio , that ratio. This is too high, this one is too low (oxalate). It’s all good science… and mathematically correct I’m sure! (I hope lol!).
But?? Do my kids care ?? That unless they eat this thing, to balance off that thing, and in its entirety….their blood levels of this or that are going to be off kilter?? Heck no !
That’s the problem. Like me . As a kid. Did I eat all my veggies , that mom fixed?? Heck no! They were on the carpet under the table. Even the poodle wouldn’t help save me
So?? I go through the phases of guilt (religiously spend $$ and prepare the stuff anyways to appease my worry for them); or, go the just heck with it approach, and give just HT block and boo balls.
Hopefully others will chime in. But until better things come (which could soon), I would say in my own humble opinion, the vitamins are NOT needed if your boo ball base has HT, or Mazuri as the base. And?? The Nutrical would make my already fat girl(s) into Oompa Loompas
Just my 2 cents for what it’s worth

Still learning .