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Thread: White sore in mouth

  1. #1
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    Default White sore in mouth

    Hey yall I noticed sandy had a little bit of swelling on her face so I checked her mouth and seen two white sores in there. They are on either side of her mouth. Maybe she bite her checks or a nut shell jabbed them? I have been using a q tip covered in mouth wash to cleanse the area its what I do when I get mouth ulcer and it seems to help but idk.
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: White sore in mouth

    I really don't know either but this will bump your thread.
    Possibly she needs an antibiotic but wait to see what others have to say.
    Prayers for that sweet baby 🙏
    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

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    I'm not poof reading any of this

  3. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Charley Chuckles from:

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: White sore in mouth

    Her front teeth look nice and healthy which is good. Those look sort of like canker sores, how long has this been going on? Diet deficiencies are one possibility that could cause that if they are canker sores. Make sure she is getting a good diet with daily quality rodent blocks like Henries or Teklad.

    Quote Originally Posted by LaShae1995 View Post
    Hey yall I noticed sandy had a little bit of swelling on her face so I checked her mouth and seen two white sores in there. They are on either side of her mouth. Maybe she bite her checks or a nut shell jabbed them? I have been using a q tip covered in mouth wash to cleanse the area its what I do when I get mouth ulcer and it seems to help but idk.
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  6. #4
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    Default Re: White sore in mouth

    She has been doing very well with her diet so I wouldn't think that would be it. Maybe she bite her cheecks one day when she was too into her food? I know if she got a bite of something she really likes she tries to gobble it down as fast as possible. 🙄 I found a mineral block that got swept up and under the bed it's for rabbits maybe she's been licking on it and the salt caused it? I made sure there were no more of then under the bed. Other than that idk. Should I remove her nuts and hard to eat food until she heals?

  7. #5
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    I was just wondering about salt. Have there been salted in the shell pumpkin seeds around? Salted nuts? Salted in the shell peanuts? Just trying to help with the puzzle.


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  9. #6
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    No salted nuts or anything other than that mineral block that somehow found its way under my bed.

  10. #7
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    She still seems full of energy and is playing like a baby so I don't think it's too serious ill keep an eye on her and update yall if it goes away.

  11. #8
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    Charley Chuckles gone from my arms FOREVER in my heart 8/14/04-3/7/13
    Simon, our time was too short together, but you gave us so much love, be with CC now 3/7/14

    The "CHARLEY CHUCKLES MEMORIAL RAIL TOUR" leaves the station choo chooo
    *Deland,FL. *Washington DC *Boston (Back Bay) *Boston (North Station) *Wells,Maine *Albany,NY *New York (Penn Station) *Back to Deland FL. "July 1- July 22" 2013 Check it out here!!!!!

    I'm not poof reading any of this

  12. #9
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    Default Re: White sore in mouth

    So it's been a while and still the sores are there. She still has been eatting her nuts and food like usual no weight loss chewing sticks drinking good playful in heat (if that matters). I don't know what it could be or would be other than a mouth ulcer... but on both sides is kind of weird to me. Could I try antibiotics? Or should I remove nuts completely until this clears up?

  13. #10
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    How about Brazil nuts? I did see her eatting one she must have gotten from someone in my household. They know she isn't suppose to eat them so we try to lock them up or just dont buy mixed nuts but she's crafty. Could it be selenium? She does have bad breath I noticed but teeth look fine to me from what I seen. I also seen some Brazile nut shells under neath my dresser.... I told everyone that we just aren't going to buy Brazil nuts and they can eat them over at their friends lol but seriously idk what it could be... maybe she bite her cheek? Idk. Should I wait for it to heal naturally its been since 19th of Nov I think or should I try antibiotics? Thanks for advice.

    I'll post updated pics tomorrow

  14. #11
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    I'm thinking she needs an antibacterial rinse ..can you get chlorhexidine? You can swab the sores with a diluted solution. At work we have a bearded dragon who gets these sores and that's what the vet recommended. I know, it's a lizard but could help.
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  16. #12
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    Default Re: White sore in mouth

    I dont know which chlorhexidine I should be looking at. I don't have any nice vets so I doubt them writing chlorhexidine mouth wash. Critter mom gave me a list of stuff to try here is a piece of the message...

    The following are some additional "home cures" which is geared toward human infants:

    Diet changes
    The first place to start? If your child is eating solids, you can try reducing the amount of sugar your little one is consuming. Since Candida albicans (aka yeast) thrives off of sugar, it makes sense that reducing sugary foods in their diet—once they're on solids, of course—can help stave off oral thrush. That includes fruit, as well as refined carbohydrates, added sugars, juice, and artificial sweeteners, which your baby shouldn't be having anyway.

    Not only does salt act like an antiseptic, it may also soothe the symptoms of thrush. Dissolve a half teaspoon of salt into 1 cup of warm water. Gently paint the lesions with this saltwater solution using a cotton swab.

    Baking soda
    Diluted baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) may also combat the symptoms of thrush. Dissolve a half teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of warm water, and apply to your child's thrush with a cotton swab. You can also apply the paste on your nipples before breastfeeding (just wipe off before your baby latches).

    Coconut oil
    Thanks to caprylic acid, a component of coconut oil, this slimy substance may help with infant thrush. Apply it to your child's white patches with a cotton swab. However, you should ensure they aren't allergic to coconut beforehand and watch for any adverse reactions after it's applied as well.

    Natural yogurt is chock-full of bacteria like Lactobacillus bulgaricus, a particularly helpful probiotic that can help encourage a better balance of yeast in your baby's mouth. The influx of "good" bacteria from foods like yogurt can effectively stop thrush from spreading.

    Make sure you choose a yogurt that's unflavored and unsweetened—that's because Candida albicans, the fungus that causes yeast infections, loves sugar. If your little one is too young to eat yogurt, try applying a thin layer to affected areas with a cotton swab. You can also search for infant-safe probiotics.

    She seems to think it could be thrush also a fungal. I think your own to something I'll look more into the stuff you mentioned but if you could send me a link I'd really appreciate it.

  17. #13
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    Unfortunately, our site doesn't like the length of that site address. It is from Parenting Magazine's website. I copied all of the pertinent info.

  18. Serious fuzzy thank you's to CritterMom from:

    LaShae1995 (12-04-2023)

  19. #14
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    Default Re: White sore in mouth

    Ok ill check it out. So what should I so the treatment for thrush? Or the antibacterial wash? And should she also be on antibiotics and if so which one?

  20. #15
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    Here are some pictures... it was veryyyy hard to get without being eaten alive. She doesn't like the assistant (my sister) at all lol.

    It actually does appear to be smaller and it looks smooth not fuzzy.

    ***look at them back teeth lol***
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  21. #16
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    It often looks "cottage-cheesy" in texture - was it like that before?

    Thrush often resolves itself but the things I copied for you will help, especially getting probiotics into her via both the probiotic pills and the yogurt. If she will let you swab that area with the baking soda solution, do that, too.

  22. Serious fuzzy thank you's to CritterMom from:

    LaShae1995 (12-04-2023)

  23. #17
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    No. Yeah I'll do that. Here is two pics top one is new and the botom is old. The old one was taken I think around Nov 19 and the new one Dec 4.
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  24. #18
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    It does look smaller. Treat it as described and I would continue the probiotics (you can eventually do them just a couple times a week) because if this IS thrush, something happened to cause the overgrowth. Given that this is usually a problem with the gut bacteria, and you say she wasn't on any antibiotics which can absolutely cause thrush, increasing that via probiotics would be a really good idea.

  25. Serious fuzzy thank you's to CritterMom from:

    LaShae1995 (12-04-2023)

  26. #19
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    Ok will do thanks so much ill keep you all updated on here.

  27. #20
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    For reason that sugar promotes the growth of candida; using a probiotic source that is paired with sugar based prebiotic like (FOS), isn't going to help allot to counter candida overgrowth. In the wild consume soil-based organisms (geophagy) by pulling up tufts of grass which they flip over to chew on the soil that surrounds the roots, that contain vital bacteria for supporting the digestion of plant foods in their diet.

    One probiotic source that doesn't contain a sugar based prebiotic, is the 'soil based' probiotic is "Pet Flora", that contains a soil based prebiotic, which counters the growth of bad bacterial forms, while promoting the growth of good bacterial forms. This source contains no flavorings or fillers, which makes acceptable taste wise to tree squirrels to add to a homemade diet or wet low sugar food source in the diet.

    This same probiotic/prebiotic source was used for many years in the diet of a member's gray squirrel which never once developed a bacterial infection of any kind during her 11 + year long lifespan.

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