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Thread: Found baby squirrel, mother did not return

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Found baby squirrel, mother did not return

    I found a baby squirrel, looks about 4 weeks. I made a formula from Henry’s pets recipe and am trying to feed him but doesn’t seem to be consuming food. He doesn’t seem to be dehydrated. He’s gasping/clicking some. I’m afraid he has aspiration pneumonia. My vet doesn’t treat squirrels. There’s no wildlife rescue near me. How do I get an antibiotic for him? I’m keeping him warm. I don’t want him to die!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Found baby squirrel, mother did not return

    The majority of the antibiotics we use for the squirrels are human antibiotics - left over from past illnesses. I usually suggest checking with friends, neighbors, family - normally a single pill is plenty for a round of treatment.

    I see you have been to Henry's site. Did you read the baby squirrel guide? You need to: It is 6 pages but a quick read.

    Thoroughly warm baby first, slowly. Nothing works until that happens. Then hydrate. If they have been away from mom for any time, they need this step. They cannot digest formula until thoroughly hydrated. Then, and only then, begin to feed.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Found baby squirrel, mother did not return

    It has to be a vet to prescribe the Med though right? My husband is a medical doctor but treats humans. I see tablets for Baytril but I’m assuming I’d need liquid for a squirrel?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Found baby squirrel, mother did not return

    Quote Originally Posted by Linds View Post
    It has to be a vet to prescribe the Med though right? My husband is a medical doctor but treats humans. I see tablets for Baytril but I’m assuming I’d need liquid for a squirrel?
    No. We normally use antibiotics used by humans who didn't finish their prescription despite having been told to. Leftovers.

    Excellent for aspiration pneumonia are Cipro and Amoxicillin Clavulanate. In each case you would need one pill to treat the squirrel. We would need the squirrel's weight, preferably in grams, and the size of the pill in milligrams and obviously what med it is. You will need a 1ml syringe without the needle. Someone here can calculate and send you directions to first dilute the pill so it becomes liquid and is able to be used by a tiny squirrel, along with the exact dosing amount of that dilution based on the squirrel's weight.

    If your husband can use his stethoscope on the baby's chest, he is listening for cracking - "rales" as they used to be called. That is a fairly advanced case.

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