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You have this and you learned from your other squirrel. He is an eyes open baby so he knows you aren't mom and it will take a bit for him to calm down.
You know the drill: You must get him thoroughly warmed up. He should be in a plastic baby tote with fleece half on a heating pad until he is thoroughly warm.
Then he must get hydrated. Take a fairly big piece of fleece, t-shirt and gently swaddle him leaving a big enough flap of material at the top so that you can flop it down over his head and cover his eyes when you give the syringe - so he isn't looking at you. You need to get him completely rehydrated before you feed him, as I am sure you remember. Use legit rehydration, not honey water:
1/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon + 1/4 teaspoon sugar (3/4 teaspoon total)
1/4 teaspoon salt
Heat to 105-110 degrees
When he is thoroughly rehydrated, do you have any of the powdered puppy Esbilac left that has been kept in the freezer? Once he is completely hydrated, I would start him on 3 water /1 powder for the first few feedings and then gradually get him up to the full 2 water / 1 powder strength. If he does well on that you can then begin to phase in the Fox Valley 20/50.
Just remember, completely surround him with the soft fabric; he is used to siblings. Cover his eyes so he can't see you while you hydrate and feed until you don't have to anymore. And stay really calm and quiet while feeding him - don't talk much, your voice will frighten him.
You have this!