I live in Northwestern Ontario Canada- The temperatures will be dropping soon, winter comes quickly here.
I have a single red that was rescued at 5 weeks old (sibling passed away day after rescued from a head injury) he is now 16 weeks old. For the last week I have treated him for an infected toe with antibiotics. The toe nail has fallen off but the toe itself looks better and does not impair him at all. He has been outside in an insulated " squirrel shack" that is 8x8x8 it is attached to a 10x10x10 out door enclosure with and additional 8 x 8 x8 outdoor enclosure. He has a lot of room.
Unfortunately, the resident squirrels have been climbing all over the out door enclosure- I think this is how he hurt his toe. Two days ago I opened the hatch to let him out and I sat on a chair to make sure he would be okay. He was going in and out of his enclosure and after 3 hours he ventured to the near by trees which is about 20 feet away. He was climbing up a tree and was 30 feet high when the "bully"resident went after him. He was tossed off the tree but landed on the bough of the tree. Then attempted to escape the bully. He ended up falling from 10 feet and landed on the ground - no injuries, thank goodness! I picked him up and brought him back into the enclosure. He hid for about an hour then came out and I did not let him our loose the rest of the day- i figured he had enough.
Yesterday, he headed the other way and was gone for about an hour and then came home (being chased by the bully).
Now today he only leaves the enclosure to run on the grass to grab an acorn that the other squirrels have tossed down. He was chased by the bully again. That being said he encountered a 3 year old grey they chased each other but then continued with their day. We have more resident squirrels around which he has heard chattering but they have not yet come to bully him. I don't know what to do tomorrow.
Do I just let him run back and forth bringing the acorns back to his enclosure, with the possibility he may venture off ?
It makes me sick that he's alone and is so much smaller than the bully. If I overwinter him he may never wild up.
The "bully" I just figured out was my sweet red squirrel i had over wintered 2022.
I would appreciate your suggestions/comments.
Also, what do I do when I go back to work Monday. Do I keep him in the enclosure until I get home?