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Thread: Minnesota Vet/rehab

  1. #1
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    Default Minnesota Vet/rehab

    looking for a rehabber in Minnesota, injured squirrel taking a really long time to heal she seemed to be getting a lot better but now her improvement has plateaued
    I'm afraid to take her to the wildlife rehab any suggestions

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Minnesota Vet/rehab

    While waiting for a response, why don't you tell us about her, what happened, any pics, etc. We have a pretty wide area of experience here; maybe we can help you.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Minnesota Vet/rehab

    Her name is lil lu , she is a wild but her mom is my bff, and they have a nest in my deck and the tree on the property

    she has a badly injured leg-no obvious deformities but she doesnt use one of her back legs/feet. i dont think its her upper leg because ive seen her try to scratch herself with that leg and she can articulate from her hip? if that makes sense.

    I've seen many squirrels who are injured and make full recoveries when provided lots of food water and rest along w/ a tiny pinch of ibuprofen (as recommended by an out of state rehabber i called)

    but lu is taking a lot longer, and although she has made really great improvements, like climbing and running !! she seems to lose more fur on her tail every day And it's kind of scabby / has a little dried blood on it, and her limp is not going away

    also just yesterday I noticed she seems to have a sore spot on her hind leg joint, maybe from the way she has to hobble around. im afraid if she doesn't get some medical attention she will never get better?, or heal improperly.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Minnesota Vet/rehab

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Minnesota Vet/rehab

    When speaking with rehabbers, it's best not to give out your identity and specific location. Asking the rehabber if they go the distance to support a potential surgical intervention towards rehabilitation back to the wild towards towards the healing of this squirrel so it can be returned to the wild, in the same location where was rescued at. Should a group not support one or both of these efforts, it would be best to give them a pass for another rehab group who regularly goes the distance in both regards.

    Here is a list of websites and map locations for wildlife rehabilitation in Minnesota.
    Last edited by TubeDriver; 07-23-2023 at 08:51 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Minnesota Vet/rehab

    There are a number of wildlife rescue groups located near Minneapolis, MN.;

    this is just one of them.

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