Hi everyone,

I have a wild female squirrel that come visit in me for more than two years now. I named her Squirlie.

A week ago she was being chased by 3 males all trying to mate with her. I saw that she was mated many time by them. It went on a vicious chase for hours all day. I felt so bad and concerned for her because the males all gang up on her at once and wouldn’t stop.

The last 3 days when she visit me. She didn’t eat much, had blood in her urine not cloudy(no acorn in diet) , I see her vagina swollen red and had very thick white discharge. Yesterday and today I noticed her limping on the back legs maybe due to the swelling? She still able to climb the walls and trees slowly. Been laying and hibernating a lot.

Her vagina look more dried today, still kinda red, white pus dried, but still dripping little pee with reddish color and limping. Her fur look uneven don’t know if it was from all the running from the males or some other problems.

Please let me know what I can do. I live in Southern California. Will she heal on her own? What food can I buy to help her heal?