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Thank You SamtheSquirrel2018 for your time and answer.
Excuse my English it’s not very good.
Gia is a fox squirrel. Initially, when I found her she was about 2 weeks old and the intention was to rehab and release so she was never raised as a pet. She won’t let me handle her therefore, I cannot get her weight. We built a big cage around a pecan tree connected to her room’s window. She has the freedom to be out in the wild or at home. Then, about 4 years ago a neighbor cut down an Arizona ash tree that connected the backyard to the oak trees she enjoyed spending time in. Ever since, she’s been inside and now enjoys time in her backyard cage, she has many pecans trees planted, a tree house and grass. In the morning, she gets Henry’s block then boo balls I make for her using envigo 2018 block, little coconut oil, apple sauce, and some calcium.For lunch, vegetables and later about 3 or 4 pumpkin seeds and fruit. For dinner, some leafy greens then finally treats my husband gives. On Thursday morning, she was visibly sick, in bed, not moving, white fluid in her eye. I thought she must be hurt or dehydrated but she has 2 water dispensers available. I checked her for bites didn’t find any injuries then thought she must be dehydrated so gave her pedyalite diluted with water. So, she must have eaten something that grew in her cage or a bite. Went to clean up her cage, to the surprise finding a stack of Henry’s blocks with many in shell nuts we give to her to bury at the end of the day. This is what led me to think it must be MBD. Yesterday, gave her calcium initial dose. She was up this morning, first time since Thursday. She ate a Henry’s block, piece of watermelon covered in calcium and some crape myrtle leaves. Overnighted fox valley formula 20/50 but she won’t take it. Tried different nipples but no change. I don’t want to force it and stress her out. For lunch she got piece of watermelon covered calcium again since she won’t take anything else. then, piece of avocado and little bit of broccoli and 2 ml of water with syringe then left her alone to sleep.