Suburbs right south of Chicago IL Not sure what to do, if a wildlife rehabber would save her or if they would just put her down for whatever disease concerns.
My Sandy lived in our enclosure from when she barely had fur until after her first winter in it. Ladt spring and summer she lived in a box I made for her in our tree, and then she moved to another tree. She was tame as a baby, but became a (friendly) wild squirrel I barely saw.
Today I found her by my back door. Her hind leg is swollen and lumpy. I picked her up and shes not struggling, just scared. I not sure if its because shes friendly and wants help, or if shes not doing well. She didnt run from my dogs whom she tolerates but dislikes.I gave her water and shes been drinking it. I put a suet block in with her. I havent checked to see if shes eating it.
What can I do about her leg? What meds can she take? Would a wildlife rehabber help her or put her down? Its okay if her leg doesnt heal right, I can take care of her in my yard.
Suburbs right south of chicago IL
847 445 8921. Text or call if you are local and can help. Otherwise please respond here.