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Thread: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

  1. #1
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    Default Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    I am opening this thread for a friend, so I have no direct contact with injured squirrel. A couple days ago she noticed a small animal just sitting there, she took it inside and initially put it in box to keep it warm overnight. It turns out to be a flying squirrel. She went out and bought a big used bird cage for it, even if it was just going to be for short term care. She has a better view of it now and wrote me that squirrel has ate some nuts and plenty of pooping but when it sits, it's head tilts to the left. She said it does get bursts of energy now and then and moves around. When she went looking around trying to understand what might have caused this symptom, the leading info was that maybe an injury to the brain from a fall (remember this is nocturnal flying squirrel). She also read it could be a metabolic bone disease, in that case it would require calcium treatments. As it is unlikely to find anyone in Michigan that could treat it, she will need to do what she can on her own. She is looking for tips and advice on what to do. Later today or tomorrow, she will send me some photos of the head tilt. I have a photo but does not show head tilt.

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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    I have reached out to someone who might have some resources in Michigan that can help. I’m waiting to hear back and will post on the thread when I do.

    In the meantime, can the finder locate any prednisone? Someone can help dose it if they can. Prednisone has been known to work wonders for head injuries.

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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel1959 View Post
    I have reached out to someone who might have some resources in Michigan that can help. I’m waiting to hear back and will post on the thread when I do.

    In the meantime, can the finder locate any prednisone? Someone can help dose it if they can. Prednisone has been known to work wonders for head injuries.
    Thanks, I am doubtful that they could locate any prednisone (if that is prescription drug) but I will ask. I recall when I got Orbie (chip), he had severe head tilt and Pete sent me something for it, may have been prednisone.

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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    Is the finder committed to keeping it if it becomes a NR like Orbie? Do you think they would like me to see if there’s an experienced person to take it? Or find a vet for them to take it to?

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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel1959 View Post
    Is the finder committed to keeping it if it becomes a NR like Orbie? Do you think they would like me to see if there’s an experienced person to take it? Or find a vet for them to take it to?
    I am not sure but the fact that she went out and bought a big cage right away makes me thinks she is committed, I have already offered to take care of it, so she has that option too. She works during day, so that is why I have opened thread for her. In the beginning I suggested to her if flyer looks fine next day or two, let it out by the closest tree she found it near and it if it climbed tree, then it could probably survive but now it seems it did have an injury (maybe from a fall). I advised against (at this point) calcium treatments, do you have any suggestion on that front?

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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    It is very unlikely that a wild squirrel would develop MBD. I know giving calcium won’t hurt it if it doesn’t have MBD. I’m not sure what the total daily amount to give would be for a flyer. Henry’s Pets has the protocol for gray squirrels on their website. No Vitamin D in the calcium.

    Reach out to the number on Henry’s website, 269-215-9509. This is my contact person that might likely have a resource for help in Michigan. I’ve already contacted him on your behalf so he’s expecting your call.

    I would gladly send some prednisone but it will take days for them to get it. I hope someone local has some they can share. The sooner the pred is on board the better. Pete or Russell can dose it.

  8. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Mel1959 from:

    island rehabber (01-16-2022)

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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel1959 View Post
    It is very unlikely that a wild squirrel would develop MBD. I know giving calcium won’t hurt it if it doesn’t have MBD. I’m not sure what the total daily amount to give would be for a flyer. Henry’s Pets has the protocol for gray squirrels on their website. No Vitamin D in the calcium.

    Reach out to the number on Henry’s website, 269-215-9509. This is my contact person that might likely have a resource for help in Michigan. I’ve already contacted him on your behalf so he’s expecting your call.

    I would gladly send some prednisone but it will take days for them to get it. I hope someone local has some they can share. The sooner the pred is on board the better. Pete or Russell can dose it.
    Thank You Mel1959, I will wait to hear back from her and provide her the information.

  10. Serious fuzzy thank you's to tomcics from:

    Mel1959 (01-14-2022)

  11. #9
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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    He definitely has resources in that area. 👍

  12. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Mel1959 from:

    island rehabber (01-16-2022)

  13. #10
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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    Hello! I am the one that found the injured flyer. We have had the the flyer since Tuesday night. Once we got the flyer into a larger cage and could see what was going on, we could clearly see that there is a wide stare and head tilted to the left. Hard to describe other than that without showing you. Defecating and eating, but not moving around too much- although he or she can. Today seems the least energetic. When we found it lying on the ground and brought it inside, it did gobble food right away snd then slept for a long time. It gets a small burst of energy and then when it stops moving you can see the head tilting back and forth. The easiest way would be for me to show you the video. I will upload it tomorrow to one of the acceptable sites and post it. I referred here by a friend. Thank you in advance for any helpful advice.

  14. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Animalsrawesome from:

    island rehabber (01-16-2022)

  15. #11
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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    This is short video AnimalsRAwesome sent me (click on link below):

  16. #12
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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    Quote Originally Posted by Animalsrawesome View Post
    Hello! I am the one that found the injured flyer. We have had the the flyer since Tuesday night. Once we got the flyer into a larger cage and could see what was going on, we could clearly see that there is a wide stare and head tilted to the left. Hard to describe other than that without showing you. Defecating and eating, but not moving around too much- although he or she can. Today seems the least energetic. When we found it lying on the ground and brought it inside, it did gobble food right away snd then slept for a long time. It gets a small burst of energy and then when it stops moving you can see the head tilting back and forth. The easiest way would be for me to show you the video. I will upload it tomorrow to one of the acceptable sites and post it. I referred here by a friend. Thank you in advance for any helpful advice.
    The sooner you can get some prednisone onboard the better the prognosis. Any luck in finding some? I question whether he will get better without being dosed with prednisone.

    Do you have some bedding like fleece or blankets for him to hide in? Flyers are nocturnal so he will sleep during the day and be awake at night.

    I’d order some Picky Eater blocks from Henrys Pets online for him. Here’s the link to the healthy diet for flyers. He will need some type of protein source. My flyer likes a product called PureBites chicken. You can get it at big box pet stores in the dog and cat treat aisles. It is 100% dehydrated chicken and made in the USA.

  17. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Mel1959:

    island rehabber (01-16-2022), tomcics (01-16-2022)

  18. #13
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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    also -- most flyers LOVE yogurt (am I right?), especially berry flavors like blackberry and blueberry. Use the full-fat kind, no artificial sweeteners. My little one loved "Oui" blueberry. You're getting excellent advice here -- good luck!
    Island Rehabber
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    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  19. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to island rehabber:

    Mel1959 (01-16-2022), tomcics (01-16-2022)

  20. #14
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    Default Re: Injured Flying Squirrel with Severe Head Tilt

    Thanks Mel1959 and IR for all your support, AnimalsRawesome was able to release her gorgeous flyer, tilt issue was gone and eyes looked much brighter while he/she was healing inside. Her (and mine too) guess was it was probably a head injury, and she/he just needed some time to relax, eat and recuperate. I understand the little one did enjoy some yogurt and berries IR

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