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Thread: Help with baby squirrel that we found

  1. #1
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    Default Help with baby squirrel that we found

    Hello there. 4 days ago, my mother found a baby squirrel at her work, who was just laying on the sidewalk. One of her co-workers picked him up and put him near a tree, figuring he would climb up there or be picked up by his mother or something, but nearly 2 hours later he was still sitting there, exhausted, weak, and using his remaining energy to cling onto a tree trunk. He was also quite hungry as well. I went down there and decided to bring him home with me, after scanning the area thoroughly for any nests or any other squirrels, but there were none.

    So I decided to take him back with me, thinking he'd have a better chance at survival with us rather than being left to the elements. He responded well to Pedialyte, but spent a lot of time sleeping. That night, we took him to a wildlife rehabilitator, who estimated his age to be around 5-6 months. She also gave us plenty of supplies, including Fox Valley 32/40, Gerber baby food, and diced apples. Currently, he lives in my deceased bird's small cage, and spends most of his time sleeping. When he is awake, he enjoys climbing on me, making his way up my arms, and pooping everywhere. Luckily, he needed no stimulation to use the bathroom, he was able to do it on his own.

    I currently feed him the baby food with a syringe, multiple times a day, and he often shows disinterest in the pedialyte or the formula. When he is hungry, he does grab onto the syringe with his paws. My main worries are if I am feeding him enough, as he often will eat only a small amount before refusing to eat any more, simply turning his head away when I try to prod him into feeding. I'm quite worried that he isn't getting the required amount he needs, and I hate the thought of him wasting away. Am I doing things right? Should I be more persistent with the Pedialyte and food? I'm just as worried of hurting him as I am of him dying on me. I want this little guy to make it.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Help with baby squirrel that we found

    Are you sure he is 5 - 6 months as posted? That is pretty much a full grown squirrel, albeit an adolescent.

    The pedialyte should not be given unless he is dehydrated, and then only for 24 hours and then stopped. Use plain water if needed after that.

    The Fox Valley 32/40 is for squirrels 4 weeks and younger. You really would need Fox Valley 20/50.

    If this is a 5 - 6 week old baby, I am attaching a feeding chart... feeding is done by weight.

    Ask any questions you have...

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Help with baby squirrel that we found

    Ah, did I say month? Slip of the tongue, my apologies. Weeks.

    I've got a picture of him standing in his bird cage.

    He's still quite small but he seems like he's been getting a little bit bigger every day, especially his tail.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Help with baby squirrel that we found

    I'd put him at 6+ weeks. A scale is a must for knowing how much to feed and he will need Fox Valley 20/50 as he as outgrown the 32/40 for sure.

    What type of rodent block does he have in his cage?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Help with baby squirrel that we found

    Currently no block, I've looked in three stores already and haven't been able to find it, so I think I might have to look for it online, or try a specialty store if I can find one in my area. I understand the block is crucial to his development going forward.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Help with baby squirrel that we found

    Sorry about the block question, I think I mixed up your thread with another one tonight.

    Henry's is the best block, it is a supplement and they only eat a few each day. A bag will last a month for a single squirrel (store them in the freezer).

    You can get Fox Valley 20/50 from Henry's too.

    Here is a link to the healthy squirrel diet, but the first and only solids should be block until they are eating the block well. Fruits are a small part of their diet, nit sure if the baby food you are using is fruit or veggie. At this age the really, really, really need formula for many more weeks.

  7. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Spanky from:

    Nancy in New York (09-04-2020)

  8. #7
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    Default Re: Help with baby squirrel that we found

    Well, the baby food we've been feeding him was butternut squash, but he's since moved onto apple, he seems to enjoy that a little better. I tried offering him a slice of apple the other day, he nibbled on it a bit and even lifted it with his paws briefly and brought it to his mouth, which really surprised me and had me cheering him on, "yes, that's the way!" I will look into Henry's - thank you. I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep this guy healthy and safe.

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