Thank you, Javarat. I will see what I can get today.

Island Rehabber, I appreciate your caution. I was concerned about pox, but as I read about pox, observed and treated his wounds, I've grown more certain that it's not pox. I'd be happy to describe, though, because you all know more about pox than I do. I received him on Tuesday, October 1st. The woman who had picked him up on Sunday had apparently been giving him pedialyte, and she'd offered him food that he didn't eat. He was left outside my office building, and my co-workers found him with ants on him and cleaned him up before I got to work. When I got him, he was having seizures, and he appeared to have a torn lens and his eye was clouding. Tuesday, I got a can of Esbilac (Made in USA, and he's had no digestive issues) and started feeding him. I wasn't sure if the seizures were from head trauma or fluid/nutrient issues. I think it was Wednesday, I crushed a small amount of tums, mixed with water and gave it to him. I'm not sure if the calcium helped or if it was getting his diet under control or just rest, but he stopped having seizures. It was Sunday, the 13th that I noticed the swollen back toe, but when I look at a picture from Saturday, I can see that it was a bit swollen. Monday, I noticed the swelling on his hand. He has no other spots. They don't look like the photos I've seen of pox. I've opened them, and what I'm relatively certain is pus comes out. Would the time elapsed with no other spots appearing and the presence of pus support my conclusion that it's not pox? My best guess is that they were fire ant bites. He has a good appetite, he's grown stronger and more active, his coordination issues have disappeared, and his eye clouding has gone away. His pee and poop are normal and adequate. I can't believe how tolerant he is of my attempts to treat his wounds (opening them, soaking in epsom bath, expressing pus, peroxide). He complains, but he never bites.