Go here - best fast step by step for baby care you can find - it is six pages. Ignore the formula info only: https://www.henryspets.com/1-caring-...baby-squirrel/

For formula you have a choice - you can make your own using goats milk (fresh or dried), yogurt and heavy cream. If you have a pet store or Tractor Supply it is possible that you can get the old Esbilac that did not have the problems. They don't turn over their stock as quickly as Amazon does. The "old" Esbilac has an American flag that says "Made in the US" on the label. The "new" (bad) Esbilac has a little badge that says "Crafted in the US" I have found more of the old stuff in my local stores than the new, so there is a good chance you will too.

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If you decide to make your own with goats milk, I can tell you that Walmart usually has the dry version in their baking aisle sitting with the evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk. If you go this route, let us know and we can give you the recipe.

At 5 weeks, eyes are just opening - the one that isn't may just not be quite ready yet. Baby needs to be warmed, hydrated and fed to get on the road to recovery now and so that things like ability to move properly can be evaluated.