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Thread: Our New Grey Squirrel

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  1. #1
    BellaOrlando Guest

    Default Our New Grey Squirrel

    We've had "Tito" since just before Christmas when my husband tried to chase a tiny Squirrel back up an Oak Tree to save it from some feral cats. Well... it wouldn't budge... and instead walked right up to my husband and climbed onto his shoe. We took it home and have had this squirrel ever since.

    Started Tito off in a large 4 level ferret cage feeding him fruits, nuts and rodent block. He's now just about full grown and can roam freely in our large screened-in outdoor covered deck. He loves me and I play with him and handle him just like I would play with a kitten. He tolerates my husband and daughter..... and hates strangers. We have 2 cats and Tito chases them back thru the cat door when they come out on the deck. We were originally worried about the cats hurting Tito but that's certainly not an issue.

    A few weeks ago Tito found a weak spot high up in the corner of the enclosure and disappeared. We were quite sad and depressed but thought it was for the best since he must have wanted the freedom. Tito was gone all day and into the night. We had company that night and for some reason my husband went out to the screened-in deck. THERE WAS TITO.... clinging to the outside of the screen. He was circling around the perimeter of the deck trying to locate the hole he escaped from.

    My wife stood on a barstool and waved her hand thru the hole and in he came. He ran to his open cage... and into his bed. The next day I had the screen repaired andName:  IMG_1935.jpg
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    Last edited by BellaOrlando; 04-03-2019 at 08:50 PM. Reason: add picture

  2. #2
    BellaOrlando Guest

    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Tito's story continued.....

    We had the screen repaired where Tito got out and a week later we rescreened the entire enclosure with "Tuff-Screen" heavy duty screening that is probably designed to keep squirrels out... instead of in.

    At this point we've basically decided that Tito is going to be a permanent member of our family. Tito has no fear of cats and there are a lot of feral cats around our house in addition to hawks, owls and other predators. We just don't want to risk releasing him.

    But here's my question for the board. Is Tito a boy or girl?? We named Tito as a boy but we're starting to think that Tito is a girl. Tito is obsessed with gathering nest materials and every loose leaf... napkin... piece of cloth... stuffed animal... cat toy... etc etc etc... is gathered up and incorporated into Tito's nest.

    And if Tito IS a girl could she have become pregnant when she escaped for one day?? I'm hoping that some knowledgable person here can look at Tito's picture and tell.

    Anyway... happy to be here on the Squirrel Board with all you squirrel lovers.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Tito is a girl. All squirrels build nests so that doesn’t indicate gender.
    I doubt that she mated in the one day she was out.

    We have a saying around here regarding gender.... If you have to ask, it’s a girl!
    Boys are quite obvious.

  4. 5 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to HRT4SQRLS:

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  5. #4
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    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Here is a link to the healthy diet.

    A healthy diet is the single most important thing you can do for Tito.

  6. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to HRT4SQRLS:

    Grinderhead (04-03-2019), stepnstone (04-04-2019)

  7. #5
    BellaOrlando Guest

    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Wow... have already received some great advice in regards to our grey squirrel "Tito" whom we apparently need to rename.... because Tito is a girl squirrel. I saw another member's picture of a young male squirrel and there was some pretty obvious hardware that's missing on ours. I guess "Tito" is now "Tita." I'm thinking Tita Marie.

    Also got some great advice on nutrition. We've been doing okay with diet but we can obviously improve. Tita Marie gets rodent block , apples, avocado, carrots, broccoli, walnuts, pecans, almonds and other assorted nuts. She does have a huge stash of nuts in her nest that we'll have to deal with. There's also almonds and other nuts stashed throughout our screened-in porch.

    Tita Marie gets plenty of exercise running around the deck and chasing us or the cats. She likes to run around and around on us so we've learned not to wear shorts out there.
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  8. Serious fuzzy thank you's to BellaOrlando from:

    McCarthy (03-14-2022)

  9. #6
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    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Hi Bella,


    Tita is beautiful! What kind of block do you feed? Could you post a picture of the block?

    I hate to say this but you are creating a monster with the nut stashes around the house. One day you will go by a stash and she will whoop **s on who ever is closest. The nuts are also extremely unhealthy for her. Way limit the amount of nuts to a treat every once in awhile. Nuts are to be given only as a treat every once in awhile.
    State Licensed
    Master Wildlife Rehabilitator

  10. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to redwuff:

    gunpackingrandma (04-04-2019), missPixy (04-24-2019)

  11. #7
    BellaOrlando Guest

    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel


    you are so right about the nut stash!! Yesterday I walked out onto the deck and got ambushed by Tita who launched onto me from somewhere. When she's seriously NOT playing she makes a short grunting sound that tells me she's not happy... not to mention nipping you or clawing you with her sharp claws.

    That being said.... she's never broken skin when she gives her little warning nip. We're going to eliminate the endless supply of nuts... and the stashed nuts. She's eating Envigo Harlan Global Rat Block.

  12. Serious fuzzy thank you's to BellaOrlando from:

    redwuff (04-04-2019)

  13. #8
    BellaOrlando Guest

    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Tita update..... she now chews holes in our screened in deck to get out. She's gotten out 3 times but always comes running home when my wife calls her... or when it gets dark. Since its impossible to keep her in... and because we don't want to keep her cooped up in her ferret cage.... we've purposely cut a small exit hole in the screen and run a little wooden squirrel ramp to a large tree about 18 inches away. Hopefully she can now come and go as she pleases.

    When she's comes back she's thirsty and hungry so she obviously has not totally figured out how to access water and food out there. Hopefully... we can transition her with this "soft release." Its difficult... because Tita absolutely loves my wife who can pick her up... play with her.... and do just about anything to her without fear. The rest of us not so much. I've been ambushed on the deck.... scratched and nipped just because Tita was in a mood. But as I've read.... squirrels tend to choose one human to bond with.

    Tita might be happy living on the deck if my wife did not work and could play with her all day. I think Tita gets bored during the day and that's when she chews her way out. My wife showed her the exit ramp this morning and she took off up the tree. Hopefully she'll be safe out there and remember how to get safely back inside if she wants to. I guess at this point she's like an outdoor cat.

  14. Serious fuzzy thank you's to BellaOrlando from:

    McCarthy (03-14-2022)

  15. #9
    BellaOrlando Guest

    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Update: Tita likes her freedom now and spends her days mostly outside. When it gets dark she comes in her entry hole and goes to sleep in her nest. The problem we now have is 2 of Tita's new friends have found their way into our screened-in porch and are eating Tita's rodent block. We've chased them out several times but they keep coming back.

    My wife wants to mark Tita's head with something so we can quickly identify her and distinquish her from one of her new friends that is about ths same size. The other ""friend" is much bigger and easy to distinquish. The other issue is... we don't know if Tita even likes these 2 squirrels coming around. I could trap and relocate them.

  16. #10
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    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    The problem with trapping and relocating is two fold. If female they could have babies and moving them away from their known territory is rather cruel.

    Do you provide food outside the screen for the wilds? Maybe they’d stop coming in if there was a readily available food source outside. Also, given some time Tita may stop returning and decide to spend all her time in the trees.

  17. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Mel1959 from:

    missPixy (04-24-2019)

  18. #11
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    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Quote Originally Posted by BellaOrlando View Post
    Update: Tita likes her freedom now and spends her days mostly outside. When it gets dark she comes in her entry hole and goes to sleep in her nest. The problem we now have is 2 of Tita's new friends have found their way into our screened-in porch and are eating Tita's rodent block. We've chased them out several times but they keep coming back.
    Quote Originally Posted by BellaOrlando View Post
    we've purposely cut a small exit hole in the screen and run a little wooden squirrel ramp to a large tree about 18 inches away.
    My mind questioned this when I first read it, if it's still up it's an invitation.
    I would think by now Tita knows where her "hole" is, I'd remove the ramp.
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  19. #12
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    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    I'm curious reading this story and something that keeps popping out. You say a squirrel will choose one person. Now this is the first time I'm raising and soft releasing my squirrel with other people wanting to get involved. Before it has always just been me and the squirrels I'm raising except for when I was a kid and I don't remember them preferring one person, they seemed to know our family but be more wary of strangers. Do they always pick the person who fed and raised them or do they sometimes latch onto another family member who only plays with them but does not feed them?

  20. #13
    BellaOrlando Guest

    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Hey Mel1959..... Tita seems to be well acclimated to going in and out now. She hangs with us in the morning and evening. In between time she's running around outside with her new squirrel friends who occasionally come to visit. When I came down the stairs this morning Tita was in the kitchen with my wife and one of our cats. She comes in the cat door and just strolls thru the house and into the kitchen!! Crazy squirrel. I must say... she's much calmer and even friendlier now that she knows she can come and go whenever she wants thru her exit hole in the screened-in porch.

  21. Serious fuzzy thank you's to BellaOrlando from:

    McCarthy (03-14-2022)

  22. #14
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    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Quote Originally Posted by BellaOrlando View Post
    Hey Mel1959..... Tita seems to be well acclimated to going in and out now. She hangs with us in the morning and evening. In between time she's running around outside with her new squirrel friends who occasionally come to visit. When I came down the stairs this morning Tita was in the kitchen with my wife and one of our cats. She comes in the cat door and just strolls thru the house and into the kitchen!! Crazy squirrel. I must say... she's much calmer and even friendlier now that she knows she can come and go whenever she wants thru her exit hole in the screened-in porch.
    We need an update

  23. #15
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    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Some squirrels are the exception but the majority of squirrels in captivity pick their person.
    They may "tolerate" others... on their terms. The relationship is not the same.
    State Licensed
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  24. Serious fuzzy thank you's to stepnstone from:

    McCarthy (03-15-2022)

  25. #16
    BellaOrlando Guest

    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Tita on her exit ramp enjoying some corn-on-the-cob.

  26. #17
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    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Tina Marie 😂

    Make sure she isn’t around when you remove the stash. She will go ballistic. She might not have broken the skin YET but if she catches you messing with her stash .... well, let’s just say she has teeth and she knows how to use them. Seriously, it’s a bite like no other. They will bite you to the bone and for good measure grind the bone just a tad.

    The Envigo block is an excellent block. The problem is that if they have nuts they aren’t likely to eat the block. They just hide it like a two year old that hates broccoli.

    You might want to read up on Metabolic Bone Disease. I’m not saying she has it but it will help you understand why the diet is so critical. Almost daily someone comes to this board with a squirrel that is seizing or dragging the hind legs. They are frantic and hysterical. The first question we ask is what’s the diet like. Invariably they will say something like almond, pecans, walnuts and sunflower seeds. When a captive squirrels is fed nuts and seeds in abundance they WILL develop MBD. If not treated, it is fatal.

    I didn’t say that to scare you. I just want you to have information that will guide you with Tita Marie’s diet. MBD can be avoided.

    I’m looking forward to seeing pics of Tita now that we have established that she is a girl.

  27. 5 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to HRT4SQRLS:

    McCarthy (03-14-2022), missPixy (04-24-2019), Nancy in New York (04-05-2019), redwuff (04-04-2019), stepnstone (04-18-2019)

  28. #18
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    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    One other thing I wanted to mention. I know Tita is the sweetest thing ever. They all are at that age. If you got her before Christmas she is likely 5-6 months old. I wanted to give you a heads up. Squirrels make lousy pets. You might want to consider releasing her at some point. Many will reach a point where they start wilding up. When and if that happens they can be aggressive and bitey even with your family. They have a tendency to select ONE person as their person. That person can do anything with them but others learn quickly to stay away. We have had many incidents of ‘pet’ squirrels viciously attacking family members.

    They also don’t mind at all destroying your home. Any wood is fair game. They will even eat the drywall, especially the corners. SO, just thought I would let you know. I have released MANY former pets that became too much to handle in the home. They do fine and frankly, overwhelmingly they prefer the trees to our home. After helping many to the trees I can say I LOVE THEM dearly but I prefer them in the trees instead of destroying my home.

  29. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to HRT4SQRLS:

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  30. #19
    BellaOrlando Guest

    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Tita gets exercise when her mom gets home from work.

  31. Serious fuzzy thank you's to BellaOrlando from:

    redwuff (04-05-2019)

  32. #20
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    Default Re: Our New Grey Squirrel

    Your girl looks great. You have done a great job Mom!

    The only thing I will caution you is that she eats an overwhelming part of her diet as Harlan teklad block.
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